Code : 2024157B
Event Name : [Hybrid] Unlock the merits of the "Minor Works Control System - Series 2
CPD Code : Formal Events
Speaker : We invited 5 distinguished speakers to share their knowledge and experience in minor works implementation in TWO CPDs, and their profiles are as follows:

(1) Sr Au Choi Kai, SBS (區載佳測量師), the former Director of the Buildings and is now the honorary technical advisor of Registered Minor Works Contractor Signatory Association Ltd (RMWCSA). Sr Au has been actively advocating the adoption of minor works to supplement the formal building works applications since his civil services tenure, in order to expedite the repair of aging buildings in Hong Kong.

(2) Mr. Wong Wing Wah, M.H. (黃永華先生), the founding and current Chairman of RMWCSA. Mr. Wong is a qualified Authorized Signatory (AS) and Technical Director (TD) of MWCS. He had served on the "Contractors Registration Committee (General Building Contractors)" and "Minor Works Contractors Registration Committee" of the Buildings Department, and the "Technical Committee on Plumbing" of the Water Supplies Department. He is now a member of the "Technical Committee on the MWCS" and "Registered Contractors' Disciplinary Board Panel" of the Buildings Department. Mr. Wong witnesses the enactment of minor works legislation and its evolution in the construction industry.

(3) Ir Lee Wai Hung, Daniel (李偉雄工程師), an AP, RSE and the honorary technical advisor of RMWCSA. Ir Lee possesses ample experience in building repair and maintenance. He would share the professional concerns from a consultant and building owner perspective in applying minor works in a building project.

(4) Mr Cheung Ho Kit, Terence (張皓傑先生), the vice-secretary of RMWCSA. Mr. Cheung is an AS and TD of RGBC and Registered Specialist Contractor (Ventilations) category. He has over 20 years of experience in construction management, fitting out and renovation industry and has served on several committees of the BD and Transport Department. Mr. Cheung is now a member of the Registered Contractor Disciplinary Board Panel of the BD and a part-time lecturer at the Vocational Training Council.

(5) Sr Joe Kan (簡錫強測量師) was a Senior Building Surveyor of the Buildings Department. During his 27 years services tenure in the Buildings Department, he had led significant projects in the MWCS and possessed vast experience on licensing application and vetting matters. Sr Kan is the technical advisor of RMWCA. In the CPDs, Sr Kan would provide bespoke solutions to the participants for any difficulties in the Minor Works Control and its submissions.
Event Date : 2024-10-17
Event Time : 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Registration Closing Date : 2024-10-15
CPD Hour(s) : 1.5
Divisional PQSL Hour(s) : 1.5
Venue : 1) Surveyors Learning Centre, Room 1207, 12/F, Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong 2) By online media - ZOOM
Division : PFMD
Organizer : Property and Facility Management CPD Committee
Fee : HK$150 for members; HK$210 for non-members
Priority : First-come-first-served
Language : Cantonese with English terminologies
Details :

According to the latest research from the Construction Industry Council (CIC) in 2023, the Hong Kong annual contract amount of the Repair, Maintenance, Alteration and Addition sector (RMAA) is HK$93.1 billion, which constitutes 34.3% of the total annual amount of the entire construction industry. Other than the alteration and addition works that require formal applications, the Minor Works Contractor can assist building owners to complete 187 designated exempted building works items across FOUR categories as well as all other common renovation works.

Minor Works is NOT minor. After the continuous refinements to the Minor Works Control System (MWCS), there are around 10,000 company registrations for ALL THREE classes of minor works and more than 7,000 individual registrations for class III minor works. It is the honor of the Property and Facility Management Division of HKIS to invite some of the key council members of the Registered Minor Works Company Signatory Association Limited/註册小型工程承建商簽署人協會 (RMWCSA) to share their expertise to CPD participants for our better understanding to apply minor works in project and daily maintenance.


There are TWO CPDs covering the MWCS.

The first CPD on 13 Sept 2024 will focus on the background of Minor Works and the following topics:

  • The purpose and importance of the MWCS
  • Definition of minor works and common misunderstandings
  • The strategy and techniques in applications
  • The common mistakes and the skills to avoid rejection in applications
  • Discussion on latest popular minor works items:
    • Metal gates
    • Curtain wall repair


The second CPD on 17 Oct 2024 will cover the details of minor works implementation on a general building rehabilitation project. Topics include:

  • The overall project planning
  • The application of minor works on various repair items
  • The dismantling of unauthorized building works
  • The repair of cantilever structures
  • The proper procedure to repair spalling concrete, the application of waterproofing and repair of external walls
  • The concerns of minor works within owners' units include subdivided unit
  • The preventive maintenance benefits of applying minor works in property and facility management industry
Remarks :

*For Face-to-Face:

  • Prior online registration is required. Walk-in registration will not be entertained.
  • Eating and drinking is not allowed at the Surveyors Learning Centre.

*For Zoom: The event will be conducted online via ZOOM. Upon successful registration, the ZOOM link for joining the CPD event will be available in the CPD/PQSL profile under the “Member Area” of the HKIS website.

On-line registration is not applicable for non-HKIS members. To register, please complete the CPD registration form and return with payment to the HKIS Secretariat.

Please install the Zoom Application in advance at

  • For Mobile phones, iPads & Android, install the ZOOM Cloud Meetings app from App Store or Play Store.
  • For PC and Mac, download and install the Zoom Client for Meetings.




This is an Official and Core activity related to Law and Regulations under the CPD Scheme of the Property Management Services Authority. Holders of Property Management Practitioner Licence may receive a maximum of 1.5 CPD hours by participating in the activity.

Payment : HKD 150
Face-to-Face/Zoom :

HKIS members only