建筑测量组主席的话 (2020年2月)

Press Conference on COVID-19 on 12 February 2020

In response to the evacuation of residents of Hong Mei House on 11 February after two residents were confirmed to have contracted the coronavirus, the HKIS held a press conference on 12 February at its office to inform the public of the connection between domestic drainage systems and epidemic prevention. The conference, which attracted over 30 media representatives, covered topics such as essential knowledge of domestic drainage systems; case studies of unauthorised/improper drainage work; experience-sharing of survey findings from Block E, Amoy Garden, in 2003 during SARS; and observations of similar units at Cheung Hong Estate. A Q&A session followed. The conference went over an hour in view of the media interest.

2020年2月建筑测量组主席的话 (全文)