物业设施管理组主席的话 (2020年3月)

"Every cloud has a silver lining."
This month, I want to share the above proverb with members. It used to imply that no matter how difficult a situation may become, there is always a positive side to it. I am sure that members have been very busy dealing with the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, at home, in the office, and in public. Hong Kong’s preventive measures against the spread of the virus will help us gain a better understanding of our living environment and deficiencies, but also encourage closer cooperation with one another so that we will be better-equipped to care for the more vulnerable members of our community. Possibly, there may be some areas that we might have overlooked in the past, but under current challenges, we have to learn new knowledge, skills and strive for improvement.

2020年3月物业设施管理组主席的话 (全文)