物业设施管理组主席的话 (2021年7月)

Be Prepared for Danger in Times of Peace 居安思危
At the time this message was written, the Hong Kong Observatory had just raised Strong Wind Signal No.3.

As our professional instincts and standard practices remind us, taking immediate precautions during a typhoon is important for avoiding the potential damage to and destruction of people’s lives and properties. Not only should we ensure the proper functioning of drainage systems and other safety measures; we have to consider the possible urgent and unexpected incidents that we may not be able to handle under normal circumstances. In the case of the July black storm in Hong Kong this year, heavy rainfall caused serious flooding in many parts of the city, suspended public services, and closed offices. At the same time, severe flooding caused by prolonged heavy rainfall in Henan Province and its main city, Zhengzhou, caused severe casualties, including deaths, and damage to buildings and properties.

2021年7月物业设施管理组主席的话 (全文)