物业设施管理组主席的话 (2021年9月)

From Corrective to Predictive Maintenance
In recent years, there has been much concern over the health of the living environment and workplace due to unexpected, persistent pandemics such as SARS and Covid-19. These crises have demonstrated the importance of having proper building services and facilities. As a result, the need to improve building environments has contributed to the rapid development of maintenance strategies and technologies. In retrospect, building maintenance has progressed from corrective or ad hoc to routine, planned, and preventive.

With the advancement of building information modelling (BIM), artificial intelligence (AI), the intelligence of things (IoT), and robotics platforms, new technologies and knowledge will help PFM managers retrieve, select, and analyse the big data they collect and use them to devise the most effective and efficient forms of maintenance for their buildings. Therefore, facility managers do not only engage in standard maintenance, but also employ newer techniques to upgrade their predictive maintenance practices.

To keep abreast of the latest information and knowledge, the PFMD has conducted a series of CPD programmes related to the abovementioned topics to encourage members to be among the pioneers in the profession.

2021年9月物业设施管理组主席的话 (全文)