物业设施管理组主席的话 (2021年10月)

PFM Towards a Digital Transformation
Time really flies. Having served as PFMD Chairman for two years, I hereby issue my final message in this capacity to my fellow members. Throughout my tenure, the PFMD faced unprecedented challenges to the profession. The sudden occurrence of Covid-19 and its rapid spread have brought new demands to combat this crisis. Not only have surveyors’ daily tasks required them to implement stringent measures to their living environments to protect their health, staff, and clients, but all other tasks, activities, and events have had to continue under a "new normal".

Under such critical circumstances, the PFMD realises that the industry has rapidly and extensively updated its technology and skills. As shown in many practical cases, the application of new technologies and AI has been positive and resulted in the improvement of the quality of life, services, time savings, and work safety, as well as reduced costs. Thus, as PFM services are closely related to the development of new techniques, technologies, and facilities, the Division has arranged many CPDs and seminars to enrich its members with the latest hi-tech information and skills. Proficiency in the digital world will equip members with the means to deliver better professional services.

2021年10月物业设施管理组主席的话 (全文)