物业设施管理组主席的话 (2023年1月)

QPFMA Presentation Ceremony
The Quality Property and Facility Management Award (QPFMA) Presentation Ceremony was successfully held on 30 November. It was jointly organised by the HKIS and HKAPMC (Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies) and was the sixth award competition since its inauguration in 2010. It was a privilege to invite Ms Winnie Ho, JP, Secretary for Housing, as its Guest of Honour to mark the opening and she gave an inspiring speech to the audience.

The ceremony was also an excellent opportunity for the PFMD to promote the work of its practitioners and provide a good platform for experience-sharing. Property management companies have also done well to implement anti-pandemic measures by providing extra resources to care for the community.

2023年1月物业设施管理组主席的话 (全文)