物业设施管理组主席的话 (2012年6月)

Delegates from China’s Ministry of Finance, led by the Director General, Mr Liu Yu Ting, visited the HKIS office on 1 June 2012. Along with the other Officer Bearers and members of the GPD, I gave them a warm reception. Besides the long deliberations on how to obtain registrations for practitioners and mutually recognize land valuation professionals, both parties were also very interested in exploring possible collaboration in property asset management, which is an emerging market in China. I am going to consult with the CEPA committee to follow up on this.

The biennial QBA 2012 Award Presentation Banquet was held on 8 June 2012. This was the sixth episode of the award ceremony, and this year’s focus was on Building Excellence for the Future. I was glad to see the quality of the submissions being maintained and the rising awareness of environmental design initiatives. But more weight should be added to the assessment score sheet on the greening and sustainability concept. Nevertheless, it was encouraging to see the award for Quality Property and Facility Manager as a recognition for the practitioners’ efforts in green management.
Being the OC member, I extend my congratulations to the success of the Green Building Award 2012 Conference cum Presentation held on 11 June 2012. This year, the theme of the conference was “Towards Zero Carbon,” which is a target of developing a sustainable living environment to serve future generations. According to the Guest of Honour, Mrs Carrie Lam, Secretary for Development, buildings in Hong Kong consume 90% of the city’s total electricity expenditures. To reduce energy consumption and the resulting carbon emissions, prompt action must be taken to optimize building design. To this end, we need to adopt more dynamic and collaborative approaches such as greener building designs and lower carbon constructions, as well as more effective user-friendly management. I am of the opinion that PFM surveyors should take a proactive role in achieving sustainability (for existing buildings) through green property management operations - an operational approach that emphasizes enhancing more efficient energy consumption, reducing waste, and promoting more green endeavours.
Many great ideas and experiences were shared by speakers from the US, Singapore, Taiwan, and China. The “Carrot and Stick” approach adopted by the Singaporean Government for existing buildings when it formulated its long term environmental policy is worth referencing. As a matter of fact, incentives to go green can take on forms other than money. For example, the fast adoption of corporate social responsibility by Hong Kong’s entrepreneurs has proved that the theme is a viable non-monetary form of motivation. Another fascinating presentation by a Taiwanese Architect was a community school project that displayed many interesting elements of culture, education, community relationships, greening, and humanity. I always love to see more projects of this kind being demonstrated to future generations.
I joined 18 fellow members on a Site Visit CPD to Lui Seng Chun on 16 June 2012. Thanks go to council member, Sr Raymond Chan, who helped organize the visit to this graded building. Lui Seng Chun is now occupied and operated by Hong Kong Baptist University’s School of Chinese Medicine. Due to the overwhelming response to this event, we will arrange more visits to other historical buildings in Hong Kong and Macau.
A joint CPD (PFMD & BSD) – “Voluntary Building Assessment Scheme (VBAS) – has been confirmed for 15 August 2012. Sr Augustine Chow, General Manager (Maintenance) of the Hong Kong Housing Society, will be our guest speaker. Please pay attention to further announcements of this event.