物业设施管理组主席的话 (2012年12月)

First of all, I wish members a prosperous 2013.

我随同由高级副会长兼CEPA 委员会主席赖旭辉测量师率领之香港测量师学会代表团于八月二十七日至三十日赴北京拜访国家住房和城乡建设部,并与不同组别的相关专业对口单位会议。代表团行程亦包括到访清华大学与相关学校进行学术交流。
Please be informed that Sr Dick Kwok, Sr Edmond Cheng, and Sr Charles Hung will represent the PFMD at the General Council of the HKIS for the 2012-13 year.
Being invited by the BEAM Society, the HKIS was asked to send a representative as their nominated director. I am glad that the HKIS has entrusted me to assume this nominated directorship for the year 2012-14. In view of the public’s rising green awareness and the implementation of more green initiatives for existing buildings, I will contribute myknowledge and experience in the capacity of PFM surveyor to the BEAM society. Another recent appointment has also been appointed a Green Building Facility Member under the HKGBC. The Green Building Facility represents expert groups that provide volunteer services to green building initiatives in the various committees of the Hong Kong Green Building Council.
Members’ attention should be drawn to the enhanced version of the BEAM Plus assessment method for green buildings: BEAM Plus Version 1.2 for New Buildings and Existing Buildings, which has already come into effect and will become mandatory starting 1 January 2013. This
enhanced version addresses some of the issues raised in the report, “Roadmap for Green Building Labeling System Hong Kong,” and the aspirations of stakeholders for passive design. It also includes minor amendments to other aspects. The new version aims to improve building performance by encouraging passive design, which allows a building to better respond to the local climate by maximizing the comfort of its occupants, while minimizing the use of active mechanical systems and their associated energy consumption. In brief, the Energy Use Aspect of BEAM Plus Version 1.2 will provide two alternative routes for building assessment. Route 1, the original route, will assess the Building Active System based on the current BEAM Plus Assessment criteria. Route Two will replace the three current credits with the following four key criteria to determine the performance of building passive designs:
1) Site Planning/Building Orientation,
2) Building Fabric,
3) Natural Ventilation, and
4) Daylight.
For more information about the rollout of BEAM Plus Version 1.2, please visit the HKGBC website at www.hkgbc.org.hk and the BEAM Society Limited website at www.beamsociety.org.hk.
The CPD event on “Saleable Area – Measurement, Rationale and Development” was successfully held with 88 members participating. Thanks go to Dr Lawrence Poon, our honorable guest speaker. Dr Poon was one of the members of the Steering Committee on the Regulation of the Sale of First-Hand Residential Properties by Legislation. Another upcoming CPD event will be held on 10 January 2013, and Dr Mei Yung Leung, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, will deliver her recently completed study on “Facility Management for the Elderly in Public and Subsidizing Housing”. This is an interesting report that will give you some invaluable insights into housing for the elderly. So don’t miss it.