物业设施管理组主席的话 (2014年4月)

  The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) was invited by the Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers (SISV) and the Association of Property and Facility Managers in Singapore (APFM) to join an Inaugural Conference on Management Corporation and Strata Management on Thursday, 10 April 2014, at the York Hotel Singapore. The conference aimed to bring together experts and practitioners in the Asia Pacific region to share some of their difficulties and how they can be resolved. It was also a good setting for encouraging greater dialogue and exchanges of views among the various stakeholders, including developers,  owners, occupants, managing agents, and management council members.


The management of strata development has its challenges, particularly regarding its operational details. Conflicts can arise because of differences in expectations among the various stakeholders concerning management standards.


Numerous themes were held to discuss the various aspects of strata management as follows:

  1. Strata Management in the Asia Pacific Countries

This was an overview of the practice of strata management in the Asia Pacific countries highlighting the essential features and differences. Valuable lessons were learned from the successful practices in these countries.

  1. Role of Managing Agents

Managing agents play an important role in the successful operation of corporations. The agents present shared their experiences by highlighting some of the challenges in management, including staff deployment, competency, and commitment.

  1. Participation of Residents and Occupants

The active participation of residents and management council members is a critical factor in the successful operation of management corporations. Council members and residents in attendance shared their views on some of the challenges they faced and the need to adopt a positive approach to community living.

  1. Role of Management Councils

Management councils oversee the day-to-day affairs of their management corporations. The conduct and attitude of council members are important factors for ensuring that operations are managed fairly and reasonably. The council plays a crucial role in the success of a strata development.

  1. Dispute Resolution in Strata Management

Conflicts and arguments arise in communities where people from different walks of life interact with each other. Such disagreements can be amicably resolved if each party is prepared to communicate and understand everyone else’s point of view. The role of strata titles boards was discussed during the conference.

Our Council Member, Sr KS Wong, represented the HKIS-PFMD as the speaker on the topic of Strata Management Experience in Hong Kong. Sr KS shared our knowledge and experiences in with various stakeholders in the Asia Pacific Region. The keynote speaker of the conference was Mr Chin Chi Leong – Commissioner of Buildings, Singapore – who was in attendance with Dr Lim, President of APFM; Mr Tay It Tuan, Vice President of APFM; and Mr Peter Tan, Managing Director of Chambers Property Management Services P/L.


The PFMD also organised a CPD event on the Mandatory Building Inspection Scheme (MBIS) & Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme (MWIS) on 13 March 2014 with more than 130 members present. The guest speakers were Sr Patrick Tsui, Chief Building Surveyor, and Sr Robert Cheng, Senior Building Surveyor, of the Buildings Department. The attendees considered the talk to be enlightening and beneficial to them.