物业设施管理组主席的话 (2014年5月)


Joint Forum on the Property Management Services Bill

The Property Management Services Bill was published in the Gazette on 25.4.2014 and was also introduced to the Legislative Council (LegCo) for its 1st Reading and the commencement of the 2nd Reading Debate on 7.5.2014.

Members can obtain details of the Bill via the following links:








In order to gauge members’ views and gain their feedback on the Bill before the 2nd Reading Debate, Committee Stage, and 3rd Reading resume, with their dates to be posted, the major stakeholders of the industry, including the Chartered Institute of Housing Asian Pacific Branch (CIHAPB), the Department of Public Policy, the City University of Hong Kong (CITYU), the Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies (HKAPMC), the Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management (HKIFM), the Hong Kong Institute of Housing (HKIH), the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors’ Property and Facility Management Division (HKIS PFMD), the Housing Managers Registration Board (HMRB), and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), will jointly organise the subject forum on 7 June 2014. Thereafter, members’ feedback on the forum will be sent to LegCo and the Home Affairs Department as a joint letter to highlight their concerns before the bill is enacted. Members are welcome to attend the above forum to express their views on the Property Management Services Bill.



香港测量师学会代表团包括物业设施管理组上任主席及现任义务司库郭岳忠测量师,物业设施管理组前主席杨文佳测量师及本组现任副主席熊传笳测量师,一行 16人,由会长郭志和测量师率领,得到天津市统战部王平副部长,悉心安排下,于 4 28 日至 30 日赴天津考察。分别与天津市委统战部及天津市规划局作交流,藉此机会介绍香港测量师学会各组别的专业范围,以对测量师的专业知识作进一步了解。会面期间亦讨论到中港两地双方资格互认的情况。在统战部的安排下,代表团同时也把握这机会参观「 天津科学技术馆」,「利顺德大饭店博物馆」,「天津市规划展览馆」,「天津港保税区」和 「五大道游览区」,对天津经济发展和文化风情更加了解,从而寻找开拓发展的机会,此行获益良多,也为两地相关的专业提供一个知识交流的平台,对学会将来的发展有莫大脾益。