建筑测量组主席的话 (2014年7月)

Authorised Person (Surveyor) Communications Platform
On 17.7.2014, I sent a broadcasting e-mail to all BSD members who are registered under the Authorised Person Register inviting them to give me their e-mail addresses for future communications in respect of matters arising from discussions of the Buildings Department’s Authorised Persons. I received over 20 replies in two days and hope that fruitful discussions can take place in the future. If you are an Authorised Person, but have not received my broadcasting e-mail, you are welcome to participate in this communications platform by e-mailing me at:
[email protected] .

Distinguished Building Surveyors
The extended deadline to apply for inclusion on the list of Distinguished Building Surveyors expired on July 31. The BSD Council will evaluate each application in accordance with its criteria and the finalised list will be published afterwards.

Meeting with the Association of China-Appointed Attesting Officers Limited (中國委托公証人協會有限公司)
A meeting with the Association of China-Appointed Attesting Officers Limited (CAAO) was held on 10.7.2014. As a result, the BSD will convene a task force that includes other relevant divisions and the CAAO to work out, based on existing practices, the gross floor area (GFA) and construction floor area (CFA) to define the management floor area (MFA). The task force will also consider the proper procedures and certifiers for the MFA. Members’ views are welcomed.

The 2014 HKIS Building Surveying and Eddie Lee Memorial Education Foundation Scholarship for Secondary School Students
The briefing workshop cum career talk for the 2014 Scholarship was held at Henrietta Secondary School on 28.6.2014. After the introduction given by Vice Chairman Sr Daniel CHANG, the four winners of the 2013 Scholarship shared their experiences with about 30 students from eight secondary schools. Afterwards, students were invited for a group discussion with BSD Council members and to present their findings on the proper control of building repairs and refurbishment works. Thanks to the convenor, Sr Jason LAW, for his hard work in organising this event. Nominations for the 2014 Scholarship will continue until October 31. Nomination forms can be downloaded at:

Buildings Department’s Building Safety Pioneer Programme (BSPP)
The BSD, acting on behalf of the HKIS, supports the BD’s BSPP. Apart from providing a venue on September 20 for a joint talk on the introduction to and career development of certain professionals in the building industry, it will also arrange for the “Building Safety Pioneers” to visit BS firms to allow them to become familiar with the daily work of professional building surveyors.

More information on the BD’s press release can be obtained at:

Direct Communication with the BSD Chairman

If you have any idea or comment that you want to communicate with me, please e-mail me at: [email protected].

學會將建立一個網上平台讓作為認可人士的會員就業界與屋宇署之間曾討論的項目作交流,如作為認可人士的你對此有興趣,歡迎電郵與我聯絡。另外,傑出建築測量師獎已於 7 月 31 日截止提名,整理後的名單將容後公佈。至於測量師學會獎學金的簡介工作坊及職業講座已於 2014 年 6 月 28 日在顯理中學舉行,當日,2013 年度的得獎同學向來自八間學校的同學分享經驗,而 2014 年度的提名將於 10 月 31 日截止。最近學會與中國委托公証人協會有限公司(CAAO)會面,建築測量組會聯同其他相關組別及 CAAO 會就 Management Floor Area (MFA)議題籌組工作小組,歡迎會員就此議題提供意見。學會支持屋宇署推行的「樓宇安全學生大使計劃」,除了協助舉辦講座外,我們也會安排樓宇安全學生大使探訪同業的公司,讓他們多了解建築測量師的日常工作。

BSD APC Practical Task 2014
12-15 November 2014

Applications for the Practical Task should be made on Form APC4/BS.
Re-applications should be made on Form APC4R/BS.
All applications should be submitted together with the assessment fee of HK$1,050/HK$650, whichever is appropriate.
Applications will only be accepted if they are received by the HKIS Office during the month of August 2014.
Late applications will be rejected. Incomplete applications will not be entertained.