物业设施管理组主席的话 (2014年8月)

QPFMA 2014 Conference

I would like to report that representatives of 27 nominees were invited to present their projects to the Judging Panel on 2 August 2014 at the Chiang Chen Theatre of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for the 2014 Quality Property and Facility Management Award.


The shortlisted projects are listed below for your easy reference: 

Small-Scale Residential Property Management Category (SR)

SR-008 Beacon Lodge

SR-009 Belcher’s Hill


Medium-Scale Residential Property Management Category (MR)

MR-001 Aria

MR-006 Pacific Palisades

MR-016 The Hermitage

MR-019 Manhattan Hill


Large-Scale Residential Property Management Category (LR)

LR-006 Harbour Place

LR-007 Vista Paradiso

LR-013 Central Park Towers

LR-014 Villa Esplanada


Tenants Purchase Scheme & Public Rental Housing Category (TP)

TP-001 Shek Lei 2 Estate

TP-008 Sun Chui Estate


Home Ownership Scheme, Private Sector Participation Scheme, and Sandwich Class Housing Scheme Category (1,501 units and above, HOS 1501)

HOS1501-001 Rhythm Garden

HOS1501-007 Mei Chung Court


Home Ownership Scheme, Private Sector Participation Scheme, and Sandwich Class Housing Scheme Category (1,500 units and below, HOS 1500)

HOS1500-002 Kwun Hei Court

HOS1500-003 Ho Ming Court


Industrial and Car Park Building Management Category (ICB)

ICB-005 World Tech Centre

ICB-007 Westin Centre


Office Building Management Category (OB)

OB-002 Citibank Plaza

OB-005 Grand Central Plaza

OB-015 Millennium City 5

Institutional Facility Management Category (IF)

IF-001 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Headquarters Building

IF-003 Lingnan University


Shopping Centre Management Category (SC)

SC-004 Olympian City

SC-008 Citywalk

SC-010 Metroplaza

SC-012 East Point City (Commercial)



Please note that the award presentation banquet will be held on 12 September 2014 in the Holiday Inn Golden Mile Ballroom. Mr KS Wong, JP, Secretary for the Environment, has confirmed his presence as our Guest of Honour. Members are welcome to join the banquet.