物业设施管理组主席的话 (2014年9月)

QPFMA 2014 Award Presentation Banquet

This year, the HKIS jointly held the Quality Property & Facility Management Awards (QPFMA 2014) alongside The Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies (HKAPMC). The QPFMA is a biennial award that honours outstanding projects within the property and facility management industry.


Now in its third year, this year’s QPFMA was organised with the theme, “Moving Forward to the New Era of Property and Facility Management – Sustai nability and Liveability”.  Beginning with a call for nominations, this year’s awards underwent a series of activities to determine the winners, including several site visits and a CPD Conference in which the finalists delivered engaging presentations to an elite panel of jurors. The winners were revealed at the QPFMA 2014 Award Presentation Banquet held on 12 September 2014 in the Crystal Ballroom at Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong in Tsim Sha Tsui.


The banquet turned out to be a delightful and lively occasion for the industry to come together under one roof to celebrate progress. The Guest of Honour for the event was Mr WONG Kam Sing, JP, Secretary for the Environment, HKSAR Government, who shared his vision for Hong Kong’s future. Of the over 260  people in attendance, there were many easily-recognised and distinguished guests amongst them, including:

Mr HUI Siu-wai, JP, Director of Buildings, Buildings Department, HKSAR Government

Sr Simon KWOK, President, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors

Mr Ivan TAM, President, The Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies

Mr YING Yiu Hong, Stanley, JP, Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing (Housing)/Director of Housing, Housing Authority, HKSAR Government


Finally, the HKIS would like to congratulate all the award winners and extend a sincere thank you to all who participated. The winners are as follows:

Residential Category

Grand Award

  • Manhattan Hill (MR)



  • Belcher’s Hill (SR)
  • Aria (MR)
  • Harbour Place (LR)
  • Vista Paradiso (LR)
  • Villa Esplanda (LR)
  • Shek Lei 2 Estate (TP)



  • Beacon Lodge (SR)
  • Pacific Palisades (MR)
  • The Hermitage (MR)
  • Central Park Towers (LR)
  • Sun Chui Estate (TP)
  • Rhythm Garden (HOS 1501)
  • Mei Chung Court (HOS 1501)
  • Kwun Hei Court (HOS 1500)
  • Ho Ming Court (HOS 1500)


Non-Residential Category

Grand Award

  • Citibank Plaza (OB)
  • Metroplaza (SC)



  • Grand Central Plaza (OB)
  • Millennium City 5 (OB)
  • East Point City (Commercial) (SC)
  • The Hong Kong Jockey Club Headquarters (IF)



  • Olympian City (SC)
  • Citywalk (SC)
  • World Tech Centre (ICB)
  • Westin Centre (ICB)
  • Lingnan University (IF)


Code (Residential)

SR = Small-Scale Residential Property Management

MR = Medium-Scale Residential Property Management

LR = Large-Scale Residential Property Management

TP = Tenants Purchase Scheme (TPS) & Public Rental Housing (PRH)

HOS 1501 = HOS, PSPS, & SCHS (1,501 units and above)

HOS 1500 = HOS, PSPS, & SCHS (1,500 units and below)


Code (Non-Residential)

OB = Office Building Management

SC = Shopping Centre Management

ICB = Industrial Building Management

IF = Institutional Facility Management


More information is available at the QPFMA website: http://www.qpfma.hk/