建筑测量组主席的话 (2014年10月)

BS Conference 2014
On 11 October 2014, we held our Annual Conference in the Crowne Plaza Hong Kong, Kowloon East, with the theme “Essential and Evolving Expertise of Building Surveyors”. We received 277 registrations and most of the attendees stayed until the conference ended. If you had attended the conference, you should note that I was in a real hurry to return the venue to the hotel and trimmed down my closing remarks substantially.

I append herewith my closing remarks in order to appreciate the effort.

Closing Remarks
Thank you for staying. Indeed it is a smart choice to stay as you are now equipped with an overall view of the different expertise that we Building Surveyors should possess in order to face the future challenges.

Today, we heard the Director of Architectural Services Sr KK LEUNG deliver his keynote speech. You all now should know something about Sr LEUNG including his academic training in the then-Hong Kong Polytechnic and his professional training as a trainee Surveyor in the government and how the essential knowledge of building surveying helped him in maintaining various kinds of building including the use of Knowledge Management and Post-Occupation Evaluation. Thanks again KK for the excellent start to our conference today.

My sincere thanks to our past Chairman and BSD Spokesman Sr David CHAN in sharing his personal experience on how a Professional Building Surveyor should fulfil his duties when he is serving the Court as an Expert Witness.

Sr Robin HOWES was my boss in my early days as a Building Surveyor in the Office of the Licensing Authority. In his talk, Sr HOWES shared his experience in dealing with historical buildings, most importantly from the perspective of a Building Surveyor.

The Institute’s Hon Legal Advisor Prof Sr LEUNG Hing Fung introduced the Practice Direction No. 31 issued by the Chief Justice, and its implication on the business of a Building Surveyor in the field of mediation.

Our Past President cum Past Chairman Sr Samson WONG described the essential elements of “Building Pathology” and why we Building Surveyors should make use of it in understanding our buildings.

The brother of Sr Samson is also another Past President cum Past Chairman Sr Peter WONG Bay who highlighted the importance of interdisciplinary integration to handle modern complex building projects.

Sr YY Yip opened the door of BIM to us and you should now be aware that we Building Surveyors should make ourselves familiar with the BIM otherwise we would be left behind in the rapid pace of development.

Sr YL WU, the Chairman of the Institute’s Beijing Forum, shared his pain and gain in performing his duty as a Professional Building Surveyor in the mainland. You should know that there is really a big opportunity ahead in the mainland for us.

Lastly, on behalf of the Building Surveying Division of HKIS, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our honourable guests, speakers, moderators, sponsors and all of you for attending and contributing to the conference. I hope you all had a fruitful and enjoyable day.

Again, I would like to invite you all to appreciate our sponsors for their generous support which enabled us to have the conference held in such an amazing venue with delicious food and comfortable environment. Finally, I would also like to thank the Conference Organizing Committee which was led by Sr Cheuky CHEUK, the HKIS Administration Staff and the Conference’s Secretariat for their hard work in making this conference a success. One last thing, I should thank Tracy and Peter, our MC today, for their wonderful work.

Thank you very much. I look forward to seeing you again in the next BS conference.

CPD Talk “Surveying Tools and Equipment - Crack Gauge”
On 29 September 2014, BSD Past-Chairman and Distinguished Building Surveyor Sr David CHAN delivered a free CPD talk on Crack Gauge. The Crack Gauge was developed by Sr CHAN and was given its name by the Chairman of the Broad of Membership, Distinguished Building Surveyor Sr Barnabas CHUNG. This small but really practical tool is an essential tool to be kept in our pockets. Thanks for Sr CHAN for his invaluable sharing of his experience.

Professional Guide to Water Seepage Investigation, Diagnosis, Testing & Reporting in Residential Buildings.
Water seepage in residential buildings always appears to be a very difficult-to-investigate and hard-to-resolve problem. In order to assist our members in tackling this problem in a systematic way, BSD has commissioned a study on the investigation, diagnosis, testing and reporting on water seepage. The professional guide in this regard has just freshly published and all BSD members and probationers are eligible to get a free copy while additional copy charges $120. Please present the coupon to our administration office for redemption.

Building Surveyor Award 2015
I formally announced on the BS Conference that the Building Surveyor Award 2015 nomination to be commenced in November 2014. Please see the attached poster and visit the thematic web-site http://www.hkis.org.hk/bsa for details.

Direct Communication with the BSD Chairman
If you have any idea and comment that you would like to communicate with me, please send me an email to my email address:
[email protected] .

今年主题为「建筑测量师的专业服务和新发展」的建筑测量研讨会 2014 已于 10 11 日举行,衷心感谢每一位嘉宾、讲者、主持人、赞助单位、每一位出席与作出贡献的朋友及会员,还有是次会议的筹委,寄望来年再见大家。


9 29 日前主席及杰出测量师陈华伟在持续专业发展项目讲座中讲解了裂缝规的应用及分享了他宝贵的经验。

“Professional Guide to Water Seepage Investigation, Diagnosis, Testing & Reporting in Residential Buildings”经已制作完成,建筑测量组会员及见习测量师可凭券到学会的办公室领取。

2015 年建筑测量师将于11月开始接受提名,详情可参阅有关海报及网页。