建筑测量组主席的话 (2014年11月)

This is my last Chairman’s message. My Chairman’s Report presented to the BSD AGM on 21 November 2014 is attached for reference to those members who were unable to attend the AGM.


BSD Annual General Meeting

On the AGM held on 21 November 2014, we elected the new BSD Council, comprising of the following:

Chairman: Kung Sui-lun, Andrew

Vice-Chairman: Chang Wai-ip, Daniel

Vice-Chairman: Tse Chi-kin, Kenny

Honorary Secretary: Lo Mei-tak, Rebecca

Honorary Treasurer: Tang Chi-wang

Immediate Past Chairman: Leung Chi-tim, Robin

Council Members:

Chan Cheong, Gary

Chan Ka-man, Margaret

Chan Mei-kuen, Idi

Cheuk Cheung-kei, Cheuky

Cheung Hiu-wai, George

Cheung Man-to, Arthur

Cheung Yan-kwai, Eddy

Dy Wai-fung, Peter

Law Chin-keung, Jason

Lee Hoi-tat, Nathan

Li Kwok-wah, Edgar

Wang Man-wah, Conny

Wong Ka Chi, Louis

Wong Kin-yee, Billy

Yip Yin-yung


Presentation of Diploma for Distinguished Building Surveyors

The ceremony for the presentation of the diplomas for the 6th batch of Distinguished Building Surveyors was held prior to the Annual Dinner on 21 November 2014 and it was my pleasure to see over 100 members witness the presentation ceremony. I would like to tender my whole-hearted congratulations to Sr Johnny CK AU and Sr Vincent KY HO in receiving the honour of Distinguished Building Surveyor.


BSD Chairman’s Report presented in AGM

I am delighted to report on the following issues during my term as BSD Chairman during 2013-2014.



While the results of the Practical Tasks held on 15 November 2014 have not yet been confirmed, the following figures are provided for information:

      No. of Candidates attending the Professional Assignment: 93

      No. of Candidates withdrawing from the Professional Assignment: 5

      No. of Candidates attending the Technical Assignment: 3

The provisional results indicated that the passing rate of both Assignments were over 50%. [At the time of writing this Chairman’s Message, the results of the Practical Tasks were confirmed and the passing rate of the Professional Assignment and the Technical Assignment were 51.61% and 66.67% respectively.]


3. BS Conference 2014

The BS Conference 2014 with the theme “Essential and Evolving Expertise of Building Surveyors” was successfully held on 11 October 2014. Apart from the HKIS’s Hon. Legal Advisor who is a Professional Quantity Surveyor, all the speakers were Professional Building Surveyors. The Conference recorded a very high enrollment with 277 registrations.


4. Distinguished Building Surveyors

Since the presentation of diplomas for the 5th batch of Distinguished Building Surveyors in 2011, we held the ceremony for the 6th batch during the BSD Annual Dinner, after the BSD AGM, on 21 November 2014. We congratulate Sr Johnny CK AU and Sr Vincent KY HO in receiving the honour of Distinguished Building Surveyor.


5. Building Surveyors Award 2015

After months of preparation, the call for entries for the ever first Building Surveyors Award 2015 started on 1 November 2014. More details can be found in the designated HKIS webpage: www.hkis.org.hk/bsa


6. Meeting the challenge of proposed omission of Supervision Engineer in private development projects in Qianhai 

Although we started the dialogue with the Qianhai Authority in 2013 and received a very positive response at the beginning, there were a lot of proposed changes in policy for the development of Qianhai after the new Director of the authority arrived in April 2013. BSD is now facing significant resistance in promoting the use of building surveyor's expertise in Qianhai but the division is still liaising with the Shenzhen Project Management Engineers Association (深圳市監理工程師協會) and China Association of Engineering Consultants (中國建設監理協會) to explore the market in this regard.


7. Implementation of APC Reform for AMHKIS

2014 marked the first conduction of Practical Task of Technical Assignment for three probationers. Subject to the confirmation of BSD’s Divisional Education Committee, the satisfactory results of the assessment would be announced soon.


8. Publication of the Professional Guide for Detection and Diagnosis of Water Leakage in Residential Buildings

The Professional Guide was published in November 2014 and all BSD Members and Probationers were offered a free copy with any additional copies offered at a charge of $120.  CPD talks in this regard are being arranged.



9. HKIS Building Surveying Scholarship and Eddie Lee Memorial Education Foundation for Secondary School Student

Out of the 10 awardees of the Scholarship 2013, two awardees are now studying at the University of Hong Kong and three awardees at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University on undergraduate courses in surveying. The 2nd stage scholarship presentation was held on 16 September 2014. The Scholarship 2014 received a moderate number of applications and the working group is now conducting the necessary assessments with interview sessions to be held on 20 December 2014.   The presentation of scholarships would be arranged in early January 2015.


10. The List of Experts (Water Leakage)

After several rounds of reconsideration, the finalised list would be published in a designated webpage on the HKIS website. A press conference and CPD talks to stakeholders, in particular to solicitors, are currently being considered to address the formal launching of the list.


11. Chair of Beijing Forum filled by a Building Surveyor

Sr YL WU was appointed as Chairman of Beijing Forum after he completed the hard work in supervising the renovation work of HKIS’s Beijing Office. With YL’s dedicated effort, the Beijing Forum held several events for our members in Beijing and its vicinity, in particular arranging the visits to various organizations by the CEPA Committee from 2 to 5 November 2014.


12. Discussion Forum

A designated email account [email protected] had been created to facilitate e-communications with BS members. This email will also be used for communications with Authorized Persons (AP) for those issues related to the practice of AP or the application of the Buildings Ordinance.


13. Heritage Working Group

Under the leadership of Sr Idi CHAN, the Working Group scheduled a number of different activities including CPD talks and site visits. The Working Group is currently drafting a renovation and maintenance guide for our members’ reference.

14. Fire Safety Expert Panel

The Panel led by Sr Eddy CHEUNG met several times and a series of CPD seminars has been scheduled. We hope that our expertise in the application of Fire Safety Assessment will be enhanced under the effective operation of the panel.


15. Proposed Building Repair and Maintenance Authority

After months of preparation and repeated reviews of the draft proposal, a press conference was held on 25 September 2014 that resulted in very good media coverage for the HKIS and BSD. The proposal has also been forwarded to relevant organizations in the government including the DEVB and HAD. It was noted that the proposal has drawn the keen attention of the government and we hope that the proposed Authority could be set up in the foreseeable future.


16. Elderly Safe Living Scheme

We participated in the Elderly Safe Living Scheme initiated by the Housing Society to provide voluntary professional advice on the feasibility and design as well as supervision/monitoring of improvement works in the homes for the elderly. Although the scheme was originally ceased at the end of September 2014, we agreed to provide a further extension for those late applications.


17. AP Easy

We participated in the AP Easy Scheme arranged by the Home Affairs Department, together with the PFMD.  HKIA and HKIE were the other two Institutes offering services in this scheme but they provided comparatively small teams as compared with the 25 strong teams deployed by HKIS. However, the result of this scheme was considered unsatisfactory in view of a number of factors including the lack of prior-screening of applicants and inconsistent Logistic arrangements by different government officials.


18. China’s Overseas Aid Projects

After many rounds of discussions and a late intervention by the DEVB, HKIS signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) of the PRC Government on 4 September 2014. Apart from HKIS, there were 4 other organisations that signed their MOU with MOFCOM on the same day. Expressions of Interest have been sent to some BS companies and it is expected that the contract for providing project management cum supervision services to MOFCOM’s Overseas Aid Projects would soon be awarded.


I would like to tender my sincere thanks to all BSD Council Members, especially Vice Chairman Sr Andrew KUNG who assumed my Chairman’s role on a temporary basis during the 10 weeks of my attachment in Qianhai, Co-opt members, supporters and administrative staff of Surveyors Service Limited in successfully organising those tasks performed by various Working Groups, Panels and Committees.


这是本人在任内最后一则的主席简讯。建筑测量组的周年大会暨聚餐亦于 11 21 日举行,于大会上会员选出了新一届的建筑测量组委员,而我除了颁发杰出测量师荣誉予区载佳测量师及何巨业测量师外,还报了建筑测量组于 2013-2014 年度的工作进度及成果。我衷心感谢建筑测量组的各委员、志愿会员及学会办公室的工作人员在各方面的帮助及支持。