编号 : 2012104
学会持续专业发展编号 : Structured learning and programmes
日期 : 2012-10-05
时间 : to 6/10/2012 (Day 1)14:00 – (Day 2)13:30
注册截止日期 : 2012-09-09
有关组别之资格预审前研习小时 : 2
地点 : Community Sports (上水展能運動村), Ma Tso Lung, Sheung Shui
部门 : BSD YSG
费用 : $500 (Including accommodation, catering and transportation)
名额 : 30 (First come, first served)
语言 : Presentation conducted in English
详情 :
“Probably the most realistic mock exam ever!”
This year, candidates are given the chance to work under the examination environment (i.e. question will only be released on Friday afternoon and candidates have to prepare their presentation material on the spot.)
It is a mock assessment for Practical Task with questions related to the campsite. Participants can gain experience in conducting survey, preparing design scheme and presenting the works under examination alike environment. Direct feedback can be gained from the assessors for their  performance on design scheme, presentation skills and response on questions. Join this invaluable experience with your fellow candidates so you can share your worries and concerns, as well as having a relaxing and close dialogues with assessors!    


Programme:  Day 1 : Site Inspection and Preparation
                       Day 2 : Presentation and Sharing



付款 : HKD 500
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks