编号 : 2013030
项目名 : GPD APC Part I - Structured Learning Programme 2013 (May - Sept)
学会持续专业发展编号 : Formal Events
日期 : 2013-09-07
时间 : 9:00 am – 12:00 pm; 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
有关组别之资格预审前研习小时 : 51
地点 : Surveyors Learning Centre, Suite 1207 12/F Wing On Centre, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
部门 : GPD
费用 : HK$4,800 for all sessions / HKD $400 per session (3 hours)
名额 : GPD Probationers and Students; first come first served
语言 : English / Chinese
详情 :

For the purpose of assisting candidate in meeting the APC requirements, GPD Education Committee proposed to organize a 17 Sessions (51 hours) SLP for APC Candidates. Candidates are expected to complete at least 40 hours of the lectures out of this 51 hours programme. At the same time, this SLP also serves as CPD events for members.


Date Topics Details Speaker
1. Laws and Surveying (12 hrs)       
2013030A 1.1.1 General practice surveying Law (Lecture 1) An overview on various topics of land law;
Registered Land/ Unregistered Land
Priorities; Mortgage
Louie Chan
17 May 2013 (Friday)
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
2013030A 1.1.2 General practice surveying Law (Lecture 2) Constructive Trusts and Proprietary Estoppel
Adverse Possession and reform of the law
Land Covenant, Easement
Louie Chan
31 August 2013 (Saturday)
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
2013030A 1.1.3 General practice surveying Law (Lecture 3) Landlord and Tenant;
Alternative Dispute Resolution;
Torts Law, and Lliability of General Practice Surveyors
Louie Chan
18 May 2013 (Saturday)
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
2013030A 1.2 Land Acquisition & Compensation
Resumption under Ordinance
(a) the Lands Resumption Ordinance, Cap 124 
(b) the Roads (Works, Use and Compensation) Ordinance, Cap 370
(c) the Mass Transit Railway (Land Resumption and Related Provisions) Ordinance, Cap 276
(d) the Foreshore and Sea-bed (Reclamations) Ordinance, Cap 127
Resumption under Lease :
(a) Resumption clause;
(b) Voluntary surrender of lot
Edward Au
18 May 2013 (Saturday)
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
2. Agency Practice and Asset Management and Property Development and Management (12 hrs)      
2013030B 2.1 Transaction by private treaty, Sale and letting, Auction & tender Property Transactions by direct investment or via company vehicle
Title Requisitions; Preliminary Agreement; S & P Agreement; Assignment; Requirements under EAO (Cap. 511)
Louie Chan
1 June 2013 (Saturday)
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
2013030B 2.2 Planning and Development  An comprehensive review on the planning and development process for both development and redevelopment site in urban and NT (excluding small house) The statutory and non-statutory framework on land development through lease modification and land exchange Francis Ng
1 June 2013 (Saturday)
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
2013030B 2.3 Asset Management Corporate Governance and Compliance (Listed / Private Companies); Lease management; enforcement;  Louie Chan
2 June 2013 (Sunday)
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
2013030B 2.4 Property Management  Property management practice; DMC and its interpretation; Management of Buildings under BMO (Cap. 344) Louie Chan
2 June 2013 (Sunday)
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
3. Urban Land Economics and Analysis ( 12 hrs)      
2013030C 3.1.1 Urban land economics (Lecture 1) a) Introduction (by Thomas Tang)
b) Fundamental Economics Concepts
   i. Price theory
   ii. Land Rent
   iii. Positive vs Normative economics
c) Property Prices and Indices
   i. Hedonic Price Index
   ii. Repeat Sales Index
Lennon Choy
13 July 2013 (Saturday)
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
2013030C 3.1.2 Urban land economics (Lecture 2)

d) Location Theories
i. Bid Rent Theory
ii. Central Place Theory
iii. Henderson Urban System
iv. New Economic Geography
Lennon Choy
13 July 2013 (Saturday)
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
2013030C 3.1.3 Urban land economics (Lecture 3) e) New Institutional Economics Approach to Urban and Land Problems
i. Property Rights
ii. Externalities
iii. Land use Control Zoning
iv. CO2 / Road pricing
Lennon Choy
20 July 2013 (Saturday)
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
2013030C 3.1.4 Urban land economics (Lecture 4) f) Selective Urban and Land Issues
    i. Information Asymmetry
   ii. Urbanization and Sustainability
   iii. Urban Renewal and Conversation
g) Wrap Up (by Thomas Tang)
Lennon Choy
10 August 2013 (Saturday)
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
4. Valuation (15 hrs)      
2013030D 4.1.1 General Valuation Principles (Session 1)

a) Direct Comparison Approach, Adjustment Factors and Market Segmentation
b) Valuation of Shop, Office & Industrial properties etc.
c) Residual Valuation
TC Wong
20 July 2013 (Saturday)
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
2013030D 4.1.2 General Valuation Principles (Session 2) d) Investment Approach (incl. Term & Reversion)
e) YP formulas
f) Valuation of Terminable Interest and Leasehold Interest
g) Investment Appraisal and DCF
TC Wong
10 August 2013 (Saturday)
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
2013030D 4.2 Statutory Valuation – Rating  j) The general rule on rating, S.7(2) Rating Ordinance
k) Principles of assessment: vacant and to let, “rebus sic stantibus”, admissibility of evidence (rule under Garton v. Hunter)
l) Definition of tenement: boundary of assessment, combine assessment
m) Rateable occupation
n) Valuation on existing use, S.7A(2)
o) Date of valuation and “Tone of the List”
p) Methods of valuation and choice of methodology
Anita Ng
17 August 2013 (Saturday)
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
2013030D 4.1.3 General Valuation Principles (Session 3) h) Valuation of urban land parcels, site merger and marriage value
i) Discussion of previous exam questions
Thomas Tang
17 August 2013 (Saturday)
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
2013030D 4.3 Business Valuation q) Engagement
r) Valuation Approaches and Methods, Income, Market, Adjusted Net Asset
s) Reporting standards, IVS, HKIS &HKBVF
d) Filing and Reference
Joseph HO
7 September 2013 (Saturday)
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

备注 :

May 17 session on 1.1.2 General practice surveying Law (Lecture 2) has been reschduled to August 31, 2013 at 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

  1. Paypal is not accepted for this event.
  2. Priority: first come first served with payment
  3. Deadline for registration of all sessions package (HK $4800): 30 April 2013
  4. Deadline for registration of any single session: one week prior to the event date
付款 : HKD
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks