编号 : 2013096
项目名 : Technical Visit to Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge – Hong Kong Link Road (HKLR)
学会持续专业发展编号 : Formal Events
讲师 : Speakers from Consultant
日期 : 2013-09-14
时间 : 9:00 am–12:30 pm
注册截止日期 : 2013-09-07
有关组别之资格预审前研习小时 : 3
地点 : CRE’s Site Office (Gathering point – Kowloon Tong MTR Station (at Junction of Kent Road and Somerset Road))
部门 : LSD
费用 : HK$150 for member; HK$180 for non-member (including insurance and transportation)
名额 : 30 seats (Priority given to LSD members)
语言 : Cantonese supplemented by English
详情 :

The proposed Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) consists of a Main Bridge in Mainland waters together with the boundary crossing facilities and link roads within the three places. The Hong Kong Link Road (HKLR) is the 12km long link road that will connect the HZMB Main Bridge at the HKSAR boundary with the Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF) situated at the north eastern waters of the Hong Kong International Airport opening a new and direct connection route between Hong Kong, Macao and the Western Pearl River Delta

In this technical visit, participants will be given the details in the construction of the HKLR which involves two contracts:

  1. Contract No. HY/2011/03: Design and construction of the section of the HKLR between Scenic Hill and the HKBCF, and roadlinks between the HKBCF and Hong Kong International Airport
  2. Contract No. HY/2011/09: Design and construction of the section of the HKLR between the HKSAR boundary and Scenic Hill

In this event, speakers from consultant of the Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF) project will also be invited to talk about Contract No. HY/2011/02: Construction of an artificial island of about 150 hectares (ha), of which about 130 ha is for the HKBCF and about 20 ha is for the southern landfall of the Tuen Mun – Chek Lap Kok Link.

The land surveying issues in these projects will be highlighted during the visit. Members are reminded to equip with their own safety boots.



备注 :

1. First-come-first-served with duly completed Standard Reservation Form, Declaration Form and payment.

付款 : HKD 150
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks