编号 : 2014037
项目名 : Commercial Properties’ Securitization: The Essence of Property
学会持续专业发展编号 : Formal Events
日期 : 2014-04-14
时间 : 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
注册截止日期 : 2014-03-31
有关组别之资格预审前研习小时 : 1.5
地点 : 香港上环干诺道中111号永安中心12楼 1207室测量师研究中心
部门 : PFMD
费用 : HK$120 for member; HK$150 for non-member (HK$30 walk in
名额 : PFMD Members; First-come-first-served
语言 : Cantonese supplemented by English
详情 : This CPD is intended to introduce the trend of Asset Management and Asset Securitization of Commercial Properties in Hong Kong and the Greater China region 1. What is asset securitization? 2. Why do property owners spin off properties as a REIT? 3. Where is the available platform for such securitization? 4. Who can be benefited from Asset Securitization? 5. How does the REIT sector benefit a surveyor’s career development choice?
付款 : HKD 120
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks