编号 : 2014034
项目名 : Factory visit to Glass Manufacturing factory in Dongguan
学会持续专业发展编号 : Formal Events
日期 : 2014-04-26
时间 : 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
有关组别之资格预审前研习小时 : 2.5
地点 : Dongguan South Tech Glass Limited
部门 : BSD
费用 : 會員收費:每位港幣$300(包括中國境內交通、午膳及保險費用)
名额 : 優先取錄建築測量組專業會員; 先到先得(已付報名費者);額滿即止。(名額:38人)
语言 : 廣東話
详情 :


9:15 am    – 於深圳羅湖車站集合

9:30 am    – 於深圳出發,玻璃製造及加工廠

10:15 am   – 參觀玻璃製造及加工廠及進行技術交流

12:30 pm   – 午膳

3:00 pm     – 於深圳羅湖車站解散





Established in 2000, South Star Glass Limited (“SSG”) is one of the major Facade Glass suppliers at Hong Kong and China. SSG have supplied glass for a lot of famous brands, like Cartier, Chanel, D&G, Dior, Gucci, Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Omega, Rolex, Tiffany and Zegna.

Besides, Facade Glass, SSG also supplies Architectural Glass and Decorative Glass in Hong Kong & China.


This year, SSG have moved in to a new factory at Qingxi Town, Donggang City, the total area of which is over 14,000 sqm.  Since then, its max production size of tempered glass, heat soak test and laminated glass has been increased to 3,300 x 7,000mm.


Mr. Patrick Wong will explain the glass manufacturing process, quality assurance and testing procedures to our members. 

备注 :

截止日期: 2014年4月12日

1. 是次活動不接受網上登記
2. 請填妥附夾之申報表(Declaration Form)及留位表(Standard Reservation Form)並付報名費
3. 請帶備有效旅遊證件 4. 逾時不候

付款 : HKD 300
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks