编号 : 2016129
项目名 : QSD Technical Series 2016 (15): Visit to Central - Wan Chai Bypass and Island Eastern Corridor Link
学会持续专业发展编号 : Formal Events
讲师 : Representatives from AECOM (Asia) Ltd.
日期 : 2016-10-15
时间 : 10:00am – 12:00noon
有关组别之资格预审前研习小时 : 2
Divisional PQSL Hour(s) : 2
地点 : Community Liaison Centre, Man Yiu Street, Central (opposite to IFC)
部门 : QSD
费用 : HK$150 for members (including insurance)
名额 : Priority will be given to Corporate QSD members (till 23 July 2016) and followed by all QSD members (till 30 July 2016); First-come-first-served with payment (with maximum quota of 20)
语言 : Cantonese
详情 :

Itinerary :


Gathering and register at Central Community Liaison Centre (CLC) )*

(Please check the gathering point from the link)



Briefing presentation of Central-Wan Chai Bypass (CWB) Project




  1. Background information of the CWB
  2. Overview of the CWB through the display models at Central Community Liaison Centre (CLC)
  3. Safety rules of a construction site



Visit the construction site by boat trip/walk (Due to large extent of the areas of the project scope, the exact location for the visit would be subject to AECOM’s arrangement with consideration to the actual progress on site and weather condition.)



Back to Central CLC



Q&A Section



Dismiss at Central CLC



(The scheduled time may be changed so as to suit the actual conditions on the date of the visit.)

(Successful registration will receive details of the visit.)


The project of Central - Wan Chai Bypass and Island Eastern Corridor Link (CWB) is a strategic road along the north shore of Hong Kong Island to alleviate the traffic congestion along the existing Gloucester Road - Harcourt Road - Connaught Road Central corridor.  The scope of the project including but not limited to construction of tunnel, roads, administration building, ventilation buildings, ventilation shaft, earth retaining structures, electrical and mechanical works (E&M) and traffic control and surveillance system (TCSS), drainage works, landscaping work, etc. Upon project’s commissioning, it will only take about five minutes to travel from Central to Island Eastern Corridor at North Point.


Our members may take this valuable opportunity to have more understanding on infrastructure projects and associated E&M systems. Before the site visit, a brief presentation would be delivered by AECOM’s representatives, covering the areas of project scope, construction technology adopted (such as construction of cut-and-cover tunnel and diaphragm wall) and difficulties encountered, etc.

备注 :


Closing date: 1 October 2016


  1. Online registration is NOT accepted for this CPD event.
  2. Please fill in the attached Declaration Form together with Standard Reservation Form for this CPD event.
  3. First-come-first-served with duly completed Standard Reservation Form, Declaration Form and payment.
  4. Latecomers will NOT be picked up.
  5. The site visit will be cancelled if the red/black rainstorm warning signal is issued or the typhoon signal no. 3 or above is hoisted at and after 7:00am on the day of event.
  6. Dress codes:
  • DO dress in light informal attire (e.g. jeans/pants).
  • DON’T wear shorts or dresses/skirts.
  • Please equip with your own safety shoes/boots.
付款 : HKD
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks