编号 : YSG/S/201712
项目名 : YSG Annual Dinner 2017
学会持续专业发展编号 : Formal Events
日期 : 2017-11-04
时间 : 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm
注册截止日期 : 2017-10-20
有关组别之资格预审前研习小时 : 0
Divisional PQSL Hour(s) : 0
地点 : 香港灣仔龍景街1號分域碼頭海軍商場地下
部门 : YSG
费用 : $250 for 1, $450 for 2, $600 for 3 and $175@ for 4 or above (include buffet dinner, lucky draw and free flow of drinks)
名额 : 90 persons only; First-come-first-served basis with priority to YSG Members
详情 :

今年YSG Annual Dinner將於灣仔分域碼頭Quayside舉行,主題係「童話世界」。

到時大家除左可以識下人之外,仲有Buffet 食、有遊戲玩同有獎品抽,場面肯定非常熱鬧!

此外,今年大會仲準備左兩份禮物俾最佳衣著既兩位朋友,大家記住悉心打扮喇!俾個小tips 大家,小編覺得國王的新衣中既國王好大機會可以贏走最佳衣著獎,未諗到著乜既朋友不妨考慮一下!

十一月四日約定你Quayside 見!

名額有限,報名從速!搵埋D朋友一齊報名仲有Discount 呀!

备注 :

For HKIS members reservation, Please complete the CPD RESERVATION STANDARD FORM together with the payment and send to the HKIS office, Should you have any queries, please email us at [email protected] or contact Ms. Donna YU of HKIS Office at 25263679.

付款 : HKD
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks