编号 : 2017185
项目名 : Leave No One Behind – The Way to Universal Design & Accessibility
学会持续专业发展编号 : Formal Events
讲师 : Ar. Joseph Kwan MH

Ar. Joseph Kwan, Architect and Access Consultant has nearly 40 years of experience in architectural practice having worked in Australia, United Kingdom, France and Hong Kong. He is the Founding Director of UDA Consultants Ltd (Universal Design & Accessibility) in Hong Kong since 2005. As a forerunner in the barrier free access arena in Hong Kong since 1987, Ar. Kwan has provided expert advice on accessibility design for numerous construction projects, including government buildings, hospitals, universities, and public facilities. He is advisor to the UN-DESA, UN-ESCAP, UNDP, ADB and the World Bank on universal access issues. He has been invited to speak on topics ranging from universal accessibility, accessible transportation and inclusive tourism in more than 30 countries globally. In recognition of his achievements in improving the built environment for the disabled, he was awarded the Medal of Honour (MH) by the Hong Kong SAR Government in 2001. He also received The AIA (American Institute of Architects) Hong Kong Citation in recognition of distinguished achievement as a community-based consultancy service in promoting and implementing barrier-free accessible environments for the elderly and people with disabilities in Hong Kong in 2000.
日期 : 2017-10-11
时间 : 7:00pm –8:30pm
注册截止日期 : 2017-10-09
有关组别之资格预审前研习小时 : 1.5
Divisional PQSL Hour(s) : 1.5
地点 : 香港上环干诺道中111号永安中心12楼 1207室测量师研習中心
部门 : BSD
费用 : HK$ 120 for members; HK$ 180 for non-members (HK$30 walk-in surcharge on all prices listed)
名额 : BSD Members; First-come, first-served; Quota: 180
语言 : Cantonese supplemented by English
详情 :

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (hereinafter referred to as the UN-CRPD) has been promulgated in the Hong Kong SAR since 31 August 2008, which symbolizes the further implementation of the rights of persons with disabilities.


Accessibility of the built environment is an important part of equality and full participation in the community. Barrier-free building environment not only enhance the image and status of buildings in different communities, but actually benefit independent usage by a range of facility users such as people with disabilities, the elderly, pregnant women, hand-push baby carriages or people with large luggage.


The Chief Executive, in his Policy Address 2016, pointed out that the Government would step up the construction of a friendly environment for the elderly. This would not only facilitate the elderly to use various community facilities and facilitate safe walking in the district, but also benefit the disabled and other people in need.


In recent years, many building owners have taken the initiative to improve their barrier-free facilities. There are also various organizations providing accessible community information to the public. This indicates that the community is becoming more and more concern with providing barrier-free facilities for those in need.


Being a building professional working as developers, construction contractors or property / facility managers, we play a crucial role in the decision making process and should therefore make more impactful contribution to promote barrier-free buildings in the community and to build a communion of the city.


This CPD is the second part of the previous CPD named “The Past, Present and Future of Barrier Fee Access”. Ar Joseph Kwan MH, shared with us the international trend, background and history of BFA development. It helped us to better understand the rationale of the BFA design and to remind us of our social responsibility as a true building professional. In this CPD, Ar Joseph Kwan will introduce the best practices, and the concept of universal design & accessibility with some examples and illustrations from various countries.


付款 : HKD 120
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks