编号 : YSG/S/201816
项目名 : YSG Social Event – Laser War Game (青年組 「歡樂大混戰」活動)
学会持续专业发展编号 : Formal Events
日期 : 2018-10-06
时间 : 3:00pm -4:00pm
地点 : Impact Force (Room A, 3/F, Kaiser Estate Phase I, No.41 Man Yue Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon)
费用 : $110 (inclusive of entry fee, game equipment and insurance)
名额 : 27 persons only; YSG Members only; first-come-first-served basis with payment
语言 : Cantonese
详情 :

誠邀一眾青年組會員參加「歡樂大混戰」,在Impact Force* 幾個主題場區激戰


現場導師會提供基本戰術指導,歡迎war game新手及老手參加

备注 :

Closing Date : 21 September 2018


1. 網上報名 (https://goo.gl/forms/ZPirWlH6kOAitwH93)

  • 只適用於經以下方式付款之報名人士
    • 以PayMe方式付款;或
    • 經所屬大學學生代表付款。


  • 將獲專人以電郵或電話或Whatsapp確認及通知PayMe付款詳情;及
  • 必須於收到確認通知後7日內以PayMe付款,或按確認通知所示之付款安排付款。


2. 郵遞方式 (參照以下附註2及3)

** 場地要求每位參加者簽署場地意願書


  1. This event is NOT eligible for CPD and PQSL hours.
  2. All participants are required to submit a Declaration form (as attached and will also be distributed and collected before the event) for safety purpose.
  3. Please complete the CPD RESERVATION STANDARD FORM together with the payment and send to the HKIS office.

Should you have any queries, please email us at [email protected] or contact Ms. Donna YU of HKIS Office at 2526 3679.

付款 : HKD
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks