编号 : 2019072
项目名 : 粵港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要交流會 (Greater Bay Area CPD Series 6)
学会持续专业发展编号 : Formal Events
讲师 : 1. 邱衍慶先生,廣東省城市規劃協會理事長,廣東省城鄉規劃設計研究院院長;
2. 黃宇東先生,廣東省東莞市自然資源局副書記,調研員,國家一級註冊建築師;
3. 任慶昌先生,廣東省城鄉規劃設計研究院規劃一所所長、珠三角空間規劃研究中心主任;
4. 羅勇先生,廣東省城鄉規劃設計研究院城市發展研究中心主任、特色小鎮和美麗鄉村研究中心主任、國土空間開發保護研究中心主任、粵東分院院長;
5. 陳偉勁先生,廣東省城鄉規劃設計研究院規劃三所助理總監;
6. 凌嘉勤教授,銀紫荊勛賢、香港理工大學賽馬會社會創新設計院總監、香港理工大學土地測量及地理資訊學系實務教授(規劃)、香港大學城市規劃及設計系榮譽教授、香港中文大學地理及資源管理學系客座教授。
日期 : 2019-03-30
时间 : 9:15 am - 1:00 pm
注册截止日期 : 2019-03-28
有关组别之资格预审前研习小时 : 3.5
Divisional PQSL Hour(s) : 3.5
地点 : 香港上环干诺道中111号永安中心12楼 1207室测量师研习中心
部门 : PDD
主办者 : Planning and Development Division
费用 : HK$100 for student member, probationer and associate member, HK$250 for member and HK$350 for non-member (HK$30 walk-in surcharge for all pricings listed)
名额 : HKIS members, First-come-first-served.
语言 : Putonghua/Cantonese
详情 :

On 18th February 2019, the Central Government issued the “Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macao Greater Bay Area”. This crucial document provides a guideline to the development of the GBA over the next 15 years, and names Hong Kong, Macao, Guangzhou and Shenzhen as the “core cities” in the region. The plan points to Hong Kong’s advantages in finance, shipping, trade, aviation and professional services, and makes clear that the city will play a decisive role in the development of the GBA.


To help members seize the opportunities brought by the plan, PDD is organizing a GBA Forum to tap the expertise of senior Planning experts from Mainland and Hong Kong. It will give members the opportunity to learn the latest urban planning, city development and the future transport network in GBA.


We are delighted to have invited 邱衍慶先生、黃宇東先生、任慶昌先生、羅勇先生、陳偉勁先生及凌嘉勤教授 as our Guest Speakers.


They will share their opinions on the plan and help members to learn more about the potential and opportunities of the GBA.


Rundown (Subject to Change)







09:30 – 09:35

Opening Speech

Sr Edmond Yew

Chairman of Planning and Development Division, HKIS

09:35 – 10:00

Topic 1 : 使命・基础・空間・行動對大灣區建設國際科技創新中心的思考


10:00 – 10:25

Topic 2 : 大灣區背景下的東莞中心城區發展愿景


10:25 – 10:50

Topic 3 : 粵港澳大灣區歷史文化遊徑探索



Presentation of souvenirs


10:55 – 11:10

Coffee Break


11:10 – 11:35

Topic 4 : 粵港澳大灣區的內灣西岸


11:35 – 12:00

Topic 5 : 空間視角下大灣區的趨勢與珠三角的挑戰


12:00 – 12:25

Topic 6 : 北部經濟帶《香港2030+》港灣融合



Presentation of souvenirs


12:30 – 13:00

Q & A



End of Forum


付款 : HKD 250
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks