编号 : 2019082
项目名 : Visit to SKYCITY and Hong Kong’s Aerotropolis
学会持续专业发展编号 : Formal Events
讲师 : Mr Kenneth Wong MRICS MHKIS RPS MBA
General Manager, Land and Property Management
日期 : 2019-05-10
时间 : 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
注册截止日期 : 2019-05-03
有关组别之资格预审前研习小时 : 2
Divisional PQSL Hour(s) : 2
地点 : Hong Kong Airport Authority Show Suite, Terminal 2
部门 : GPD
主办者 : General Practice Division
费用 : HK$100 for member
名额 : Maximum no. of participants is 20. First-come-first-served.
语言 : Cantonese (supplement with English)
详情 :

We are delighted to inform members that Airport Authority Hong Kong (“AAHK”) has consented our proposed SKYCITY Show Suite visit on 10 May 2019 (Friday) afternoon. Participating members shall arrange their own transport to the assembly point and further details will be conveyed to the participating members before event.

Mr Kenneth Wong (General Manager, Land and Property Development) will brief members on the Aerotropolis concept of the Hong Kong International Airport (“HKIA”) and the vital commercial project SKYCITY of the HKIA Aerotropolis development.  Kenneth leads a team of professionals that are instrumental in developing of the integrated commercial concept and nurturing the SKYCITY project from scratch.

SKYCITY is set to become a new landmark in Hong Kong and a dynamic new destination combining world-class retail, dining and entertainment (RDE) facilities for visitors and locals of all ages, as well as hotel and office developments. Riding on the significant business potential in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and the strategical location of HKIA serving over 70 million international passengers and local resident annually, the RDE facilities in SKYCITY, offering a gross floor area of up to 350,000 sq m, will be the largest destination retail complex in town, featuring an era of experiential shopping and dining and unprecedented entertainment facilities.

With the aid of videos and models in the SKYCITY show suite, Members are encouraged to explore the unlimited potential of Hong Kong’s Aerotropolis development concept, through interactive discussion with Kenneth on the SKYCITY project details and how Aerotropolis development in HKIA can synergise with the nearby mega cross-boundary and related infrastructures serving the future of Hong Kong.

This is an ideal opportunity to learn about how HKIA’s property developments further evolve with its flagship SKYCITY development, and to see and feel the drastic changes taking shape in HKIA which is not only an international aviation hub but also the gateway of the Greater Bay Area.

备注 :


Online registration is NOT accepted for this CPD event. First-come-first-served with duly completed Standard Reservation FormDeclaration Form and payment.

付款 : HKD
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks