编号 : 2020030
项目名 : [Cancelled]Kai Tak Sports Park: Connecting the Past, Leading the Future
学会持续专业发展编号 : Formal Events
讲师 : Ms LK Lam, Senior Director, Kai Tak Sports Park Limited

Ms LK Lam is a registered professional town planner and surveyor. Equipped with over 25 years of real estate, construction, and property management experience across the public and private sectors, Ms Lam is currently the Senior Director at Kai Tak Sports Park Limited, overseeing the design, build and operation process of the Kai Tak Sports Park project.
日期 : 2020-02-03
时间 : 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
注册截止日期 : 2020-01-24
有关组别之资格预审前研习小时 : 1.5
Divisional PQSL Hour(s) : 1.5
地点 : 香港上环干诺道中111号永安中心12楼 1207室测量师研习中心
部门 : GPD
主办者 : General Practice Division
费用 : HK$200 for member; HK$250 for non-member (HK$30 walk in surcharge for all pricings listed)
名额 : First-come-first-served
语言 : Cantonese (supplemented by English)
详情 :

Synopsis of the seminar:

With the relocation of the city’s international airport following the Handover, Kai Tak, and Central Kowloon more generally, has been the missing puzzle piece in the urban development of Hong Kong. This is set to undergo drastic changes upon the completion of the Kai Tak New Development Area.


Located at the heart of Kai Tak, Kai Tak Sports Park (KTSP) occupies 28 hectares of land and is the Government's most important investment in sports infrastructure in recent decades. The team is committed to bringing the combined strengths of international and local expertise to this significant project for the city, and strives to produce a global benchmark for the future of sports, entertainment, and leisure precincts.


Ms Lam will share with us the history and future of Kai Tak – how it was transformed from a reclaimed land into the world-famous Kai Tak Airport; how it created a milestone in Hong Kong’s property development; and how KTSP will become a key venue for Hong Kong and the sports industry.

付款 : HKD 200
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks