编号 : 2020138
项目名 : 廣東省國土空間規劃協會 與 香港測量師學會規劃及發展組 聯席會議: 「粤港澳大灣區可持續規劃及發展」 Conference on Sustainable Planning and Development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area jointly organised by Guangdong Territorial Spatial Planning Association and PDD of HKIS
学会持续专业发展编号 : Formal Events
讲师 : 馬向明
國務院特殊津貼專家,英國倫敦大學城市規劃碩士,廣東省城鄉規劃設計研究院總規劃師,教授級高級規劃師。建設部高等教育城鄉規劃專業評估委員會委員,國際城市與區域規劃師協會理事,廣州市城市規劃協會副會長。彼亦是廣州市、佛山市、珠海市和江門市城市規劃委員會的委員。參加了1994版和2004版的《珠江三角洲城市群發展規劃 》編制工作, 主持了多項廣東省城市的總體規劃, 包括《東莞濱海灣新區總體規劃》(2018)、《佛山三龍灣高端聚集區總體規劃》(2019)和《廣東省萬裏碧道總體規劃》(2020年)等有重大影響力的規劃專案。獲得過國家優秀工程設計金獎一次,銅獎一次。

二級教授、博士生導師,現任華南理工大學建築學院副院長,粵港澳大灣區規劃創新研究中心主任。擔任全國高等學校城鄉規劃專業教學指導委員會委員;中國城市規劃學會理事、學術工作委員會副主任委員、城市設計學術委員會副主任委員;住建部人居環境專業委員會委員; 2015-2016年中美富布賴特麻省理工學院高級訪問學者;2014年比利時魯汶大學高級訪問學者。主要研究方向為城市設計、城市發展戰略與規劃治理、智慧城市等。國家社科基金重大專案首席專家,主持國家重點研發計畫課題、國家自然科學基金等科研課題,多次獲得國家、省級優秀規劃設計獎。

Professor Jianxiang Huang
Prof. Huang is an assistant professor in the Department of Urban Planning and Design at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). Prof. Huang holds a Doctor of Design from Harvard University, a Master in City Planning from MIT, a M.Arch and a B.Arch from Tsinghua University He is a member of the Sustainable High Density Cities Lab and Healthy High Density Cities Lab, both are interdisciplinary research centers across disciplines of Engineering, Medicine, and Architecture. Prof. Huang worked on projects that received awards from the Society of College and University Planning (SCUP), International Downtown Association (IDA), the American Institute of Architects (AIA), and the Boston Society of Architects (BSA). He is a LEED accredited professional, a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), and a former member of the board of directors of the International Association for China Planning (IACP).

Professor Alvin Yip
Prof. Yip, is Programme Director (Built Environment and Place making) of UNESCO Hong Kong Association. He serves as Visiting Professor and Vice Dean of City Design and Innovation at Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. His curatorial projects break new ground for long lasting change, notably CIRCUS TRAM (2013 onwards) in rejuvenating the 115 years old Hong Kong Team and DETOUR (2009,10) as a prototype for the institutions PMQ and Tai Kwun. Alvin has been appointed as board and council member of Hong Kong Federation of Design Associations, Architecture Centre, Ambassadors of Design, PMQ amongst others. Received his professional terminal degree from the Architectural Association, Alvin was winner of Hong Kong Institute of Architects Award 2007 and Rome Scholar 2004. He further received the Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award 2011, Forbes China Designer Award 2015, and Commendation for Community Service on HKSAR 2010 Honours List.
日期 : 2020-09-26
时间 : 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
注册截止日期 : 2020-09-23
有关组别之资格预审前研习小时 : 4
Divisional PQSL Hour(s) : 4
地点 : By online media - ZOOM
部门 : PDD
主办者 : Planning & Development Division
费用 : HK$ 200 for probationer and student member, HK$ 400 for full-member and associate member (both HKIS and Guangdong Territorial Spatial Planning Association) and HK$ 500 for non-member
名额 : HKIS members (First-come-first-served)
语言 : Putonghua (for Keynote Talks 1 & 2), Cantonese (for Keynote Talks 3 & 4) supplemented by English
详情 :

As promulgated by UN for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, every nation is trying its endeavors to meet and accomplish those goals on or before 2030.

The 17 SDGs are all related to the policy makers, professionals, academics, business communities and the societies at large to achieve a better and sustainable urban living.

In particular, SDG 11 is directly related to our built environment Professionals, namely Architect, Landscape Architects, Urban Planners and Surveyors, etc. whose expertise is on sustainable Planning and Development in the Urban context. We are much grateful to invite the top experts in the GBA region to share their views and thoughts on the subject. More importantly, we would like to initiate our Young Professionals through this Conference to participate actively the SDGs planning and implementation in HK and GBA Region by offering their new, energetic and innovative ideas to solve the emerging Urban problems.


Joint Conference Webinar Programme












Opening Remarks by Sr Winnie Siu, President, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
邱衍慶 博士 理事長


邱會長現任廣東省城鄉規劃設計研究院院長 、中國城市規劃協會副會長、廣東省科協第九屆常務委員、《城市規劃學刊》編委、廣東省國土空間生態修復協會專家庫專家、抗戰時期華南教育歷史研究專家委員會委員專家。

Welcome and Introduction by Sr Edmond Yew, Immediate Past Chairman of PDD


Keynote Talk 1 (主題演講1): 流域視角下的大灣區可持續發展對策

馬向明, 廣東省城鄉規劃設計研究院總規劃師



Keynote Talk 2 (主題演講2): 粵港澳大灣區空間發展的制度回應

王世福, 華南理工大學建築學院副院長,粵港澳大灣區規劃創新研究中心主任



Networking and Discussion with Speakers and Audience



Keynote Talk 3: A Climate Change Perspective of Urban Environment and Health for the Greater Bay Area

Jianxiang Huang, Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong



Keynote Talk 4: Social Innovation and Sustainable Development

Professor Alvin Yip, Programme Director (Built Environment and Place making), UNESCO Hong Kong Association



Networking and Discussion with Speakers and Audience


备注 :

The event will be conducted online via ZOOM. Successful registrants will be notified separately via email with the web link in due course to the online event .

Please install the Zoom Application in advance at https://www.zoom.us/download.

  • For Mobile phones, iPads & Android, install the ZOOM Cloud Meetings app from App Store or Play Store.
  • For PC and Mac, download and install the Zoom Client for Meetings.
付款 : HKD 400
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Please refer to the remarks