青年组主席的话 (2019年5月)

Dragon Boat
The HKIS Dragon Boat Team is training for the upcoming Sun Life Stanley International Dragon Boat Championships ( 永明金融赤柱國際龍舟錦標賽 2019), which will be held on 7 June 2019. As an annual ritual, YSG is recruiting paddlers. Its training started in March and will continue every Sunday until July. The enrolment fee will include all trainings and a uniform for the competitions. Crew members will feel proud and have fun after joining the team, so those who are interested should immediately contact Sr Sunny Wong (6445 2440)/Mr Paul Sze (9138 5965) or e-mail [email protected] for more details. All are welcome!

2019年5月青年組主席的話 (全文)