工料測量組主席的話 (2021年9月)

Meeting with the Housing Department Quantity Surveyors Association (HDQSA) (27 August 2021)
Following the QSD’s last meeting with the HDQSA in 2019, Sr Sunny Choi (QSD Vice Chairman), Sr Rex Ying (QSD Honorary Treasurer), Sr Paul Wong (HKIS Vice President and QSD Past Chairman), Sr Thomas Ho (HKIS Past President and QSD Past Chairman), Sr Tiffany Chan, Sr Sandy Tang, Sr HY Wan (QSD Council Members), Sr Tony Choi (QSD Co-opted Member), and I met our HDQSA counterparts at the Housing Authority’s headquarters in Homantin on 27 August 2021 to brief them on the work the HKIS was carrying out.

2021年9月工料測量組主席的話 (全文)