產業測量組主席的話 (2023年11月)

I am deeply honoured to accept the esteemed position of GPD Council Chairman, who is entrusted with guiding its endeavours for the next two years. In a world where land scarcity prevails as a pressing challenge across numerous countries, the demand for this finite resource continues unabated. It is vital that everyone approaches land use responsibly using strategic planning, so it is within this context that the GPD Council assumes its crucial role. The expansion and continuous professional development of the GP surveyor workforce remains the GPD’s primary focus as it strives to make meaningful contributions to the development of a more sustainable built environment.

The Chief Executive’s 2023 Policy Address continues to emphasise land and housing as its top priorities. The Government is committed to spearheading land production as it makes encouraging progress in expanding Hong Kong’s housing supply. The GPD Council, in its role as the industry’s voice, actively advocates for its interests and exerts influence on relevant policies. It intends to continue actively engaging Government bodies, industry representatives, and other pertinent stakeholders to shape policy decisions, advance the industry’s interests, and enhance the welfare and progress of the entire community...

產業測量組主席的話 (2023年11月) (全文)