產業測量組主席的話 (2011年五月)

Visits of the counter-parts
This month proved to be a busy time for the GPD as there were delegations visiting HKIS. These included:
1. SISV delegation had a courtesy tour in the first few days of May.
2. 30 appraisers and valuers from Beijing and Tianjin had a seminar in HKIS on 4 May 2011. They were warmly received by the Ms Serena Lau (SVP), Francis Ng and Thomas Tang (GPD council members).
3. Messrs Nakano, Komatsu and Dr. YZ Cao (Director and Researchers) of the Japan Real Estate Institute held a discussion forum in Hong Kong (also see below). The event was arranged by the Hong Kong Vocational Training Council and attended by the Hong Kong Institute of Real Estate Administrators and HKIS. On that occasion, JREI gave an update on the situation in Japan after the earthquake in March.
4. RICS president-elect, Mr Ong, together with 10 delegates came to the HKIS office on 16 May 2011. They were greeted by key personnel of HKIS.

Discussion Forum with the Japan Real Estate Institute (JREI)
HKIS representatives (led by President Mr. Wong Bay with GPD Chairman and Councilors Francis Ng, Eugina Fok, Tony Wan, Edward Au and Jason Chan met the Director General of the Research Department of JREI, Mr. Yutaka Nakano, during his visit to Hong Kong. A discussion forum to exchange views on the real estate market and impact of the earthquake in Japan was held on 9 May 2011.

JREI is an institute conducting research and study assignments commissioned by the public and private sectors, in-house research projects, and joint efforts with foreign research institutions.

Appointment Process of Independent Valuer
The Practical Guide for "Application to the President of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors for the Appointment of an Independent Valuation Expert" (IVE) has been published to facilitate users who wish to make use of such services. The appointment procedure came into effect on 20 May 2011. The application fee has been revised and that guidance on matters including contractual relationship between the instructing parties and the IVE, indicative fee and factors affecting fee quotation, reasoned determination etc have been provided. Soft copy of the Practical Guide together with the list of Independent Valuation Expert is posted on the HKIS website and can be downloaded free of charge. Hard copy can also be obtained from the HKIS office (whilst stock lasts). A CPD event was held on 19 May 2011 to promulgate the Practical Guide to fellow members.

Scale of Professional Charges - General Practice Surveying Services
As reported earlier, the working group has conducted consultation and discussion with practitioners, the Lands Department and URA on proposed revision on the professional charge scales. Recommendations on changes of the fee scale (in particular, the increase in hourly rates) have been finalized and endorsed by the General Practice Division Council. The working group intends to publish the new fee scale booklet in the near future.

Public Talks on Cap 545 and Revision of Cap 545 Booklet
HKIS would hold public talks jointly with the Joint Mediation Helpline Office and Senior Citizens Home safety Association to assist the public to understand the mechanism of compulsory purchase under the Ordinance on the quarterly basis. The first two talks had been scheduled for 8 July 2011 (Friday) and 7 October 2011 (Friday) from 6:30 pm to 8:30pm at HKIS Office. Develop men t Bureau would co-ordinate with the District Offices to distribute posters about these talks to the public such as District Councils, Area Committees and Owners Committees / Incorporations.

Meanwhile, the Working Group on Revision of Cap 545 Booklet (comprising Lawrence Pang as the convenor, Peter Tsang, Vincent Ho and Lawrence Poon) has finalized revision of the booklet on "A Brief of Compulsory Purchase". The artwork is ready for printing. A press conference will be held in mid June to announce publication of the updated booklet.

FIG Working Week 2011 in Marrakech, Morocco
A HKIS Delegation (led by Simon Kwok) attended the FIG Working Week 2011 between 18 and 22 May 2011. GPD represented by Edward Au attended the meeting of Commission 9 which related to Valuation and Management of Real Estate. Please refer to separate article for detail of the working week.

GPD APC Final Assessment 2011
The GPD APC Final Assessment 2011 is scheduled as follows. Written Assessment will take place on 6 October 2011 (10am - 1pm) and Oral Assessment will be held in December 2011. The venue of the Written Assessment will be confirmed later. Application forms for the Final Assessment are now available from the HKIS Office. The application forms (APC6/GP or APC6/GP/F1) may also be downloaded from our website (HKIS main page -> Professional Development -> APC/ATC -> GPD). Completed forms must be returned to HKIS no later than 12:30pm, Wednesday, 31 August 2011. Late submissions will not be accepted.