土地測量組主席的話 (2011年五月)

The 2nd Joint Seminar on Spatial Data Infrastructure in Hong Kong

The 2nd Joint Seminar on Spatial Data Infrastructure in Hong Kong, jointly organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (LSD), the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (ITD), the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (LSGI) and the Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors, was held successfully on 12 May 2011 (Thursday) at Crystal Ballroom, 2/F, the CityView, 23 Waterloo Road, Kowloon. We had over 100 audience from the trade, the academic and user sectors.
The aim of the seminar was to promote the concept of SDI and the benefits of sustainable development of SDI to the society, and at the same time, to offer an opportunity for professional exchange of knowledge and skills.
We were honoured to have Professor Hon Patrick LAU Saushing, SBS, JP to be the Keynotes Speaker of the seminar. Professor LAU highlighted the importance of quality spatial data in the decision making processes in the Government of the HKSAR. He urged the participating institutes and key players in the trade to continue providing their professional support to the uses, in both public sector and private sectors, for the greater use of spatial information to enhance the decision making systems.
Six papers were presented and they covered various state-of-the-art GIS and surveying techniques in relation to the data capture, standards and applications of spatial data technology in Hong Kong:
1. “Benchmarking Spatial Data Infrastructure development in Hong Kong” – by Dr Conrad TANG and Lesly LAM, HKIS;
2. “Use of Web Based GIS for Tree Management” by Eric YAU, AECOM Asia Ltd;
3. “High Cost-benefit Integrated Scanning System in Marine and Coastal Features Surveying” by Henry KWOK, LECIA Geosystems Ltd;
4. “Location tracking of people using AGPS and indoor localization techniques” by Dr Albert WONG, HKUST;
5. “BIG BIM” by Jimmy LAU, Bently Systems HK Ltd;
6. “Street-level imagery with an extra dimension” by Elvis LI, isBIM Ltd.
These papers would be available in the HKIS web site for reference to public. We would like to thank the organizers and sponsors for their contributions to the success of the seminar as well as their efforts in the development of SDI in Hong Kong.
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