產業測量組主席的話 (2011年7月)

Forum on Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (Cap 545) Compulsory Purchase
Dr Lawrence Poon, Immediate Past Chairman of the General Practice Division, delivered a public talk on Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (Cap 545) on 8 July 2011 on behalf of our Institute. The talk was well received by more than 200 audiences. The target audiences were minority owners with concern on how their right might be affected by the Ordinance including the application threshold and apportionment of sales proceeds. At the talk, there were also representatives from the Joint Mediation Helpline Office Limited (JMHOL) and Senior Citizens Home Safety Association (SCHSA) to introduce the Pilot Mediation Scheme for Compulsory Sale and Outreach Support Service for Elderly Owners respectively. Another public talk has been scheduled for 7 October 2011.

Reverse Mortgage
HKIS has been invited to express views towards the Reverse Mortgage Programme of the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited (HKMC). Our President, Mr Peter Wong, BSD Chairman Mr Vincent Ho and our GPD Hon. Secretary Mr Tony Wan had met with various representatives of HKMC including its Senior Vice President Mr Stanley Chan on 30 June 2011 to share with them our professional view points on this matter. A fruitful discussion was conducted with particular focus on the physical building life issues.

The Reverse Mortgage Programme is launched by the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation. The programme aims to encourage banks to offer reverse mortgage services in Hong Kong which enables people, particular elderly citizens, to secure mortgage loan with their occupied residential property in Hong Kong. Mortgagees can remain as the owners of property and can continue to stay for the rest of their life. Mortgagees will receive monthly payout over a payment term of either a fixed period of years or the entire life. Lumpsum loan can also be borrowed for specific purpose when necessary.

HKIS GPD and CIREA Diploma Presentation Ceremony and Joint Valuation Forum
The second HKIS and CIREA reciprocity arrangement was successfuly held in Shenzhen in March this year, 99 HKIS members obtained the CIREA qualification while 99 CIREA members also received the HKIS qualification. Qualified members should have completed the enrollment procedure. A Diploma Presentation Ceremony together with a Valuation Forum is scheduled to be held on 21 October 2011 (Friday) in Beijing. The one day event comprises two parts, diploma presentation ceremony in the morning and then in the afternoon a valuation forum on valuation techniques and property market.

A delegation from HKIS GPD will participate this event. Members who have obtained the CIREA qualification are cordially invited to join the delegation to attend this meaningful event. Details and notice of event will be launched immediately after the logistic arrangement has been confirmed with the CIREA.

Special CPD Seminar - "Valuation of Forest"
Valuation is the core business of GP surveyors. Members may have encountered various kind of valuation on special property. Valuation of Forest is a specific experience which will be of interest to valuers.

Forest resources valuation is a kind of natural resources valuation. An expert in Hong Kong is Joseph Ho, one of our GPD council members. He has been in the forest resources and agricultural assets valuation industry since 2006. His reports have been published in various public circulars for various purposes. As a fellow member of the HKIS, Joseph would like to share with you about his experience in forest (森林), forest trees (林木) and stocks (苗木) valuation. A CPD seminar is scheduled to be held in September 2011. Members may wish to note the CPD announcement which will be made soon.

Nanjing Study Visit (23 to 28 July 2011)
Council Member Jason Chan and I joined a delegation visit organized by Central Liaison Office (CLO) (中聯辦) to Nanjing and Yangzhou. The delegation comprised 28 persons including surveyors and other professionals (architects, planners, landscape architects). Its aim is to visit the latest property development in Nanjing. During the visit we had promulgated the work of GP Surveyors and exchanged views on the latest property development both in the Mainland and Hong Kong.