土地測量組主席的話 (2011年8月)

Hong Kong Professional Land Surveying Service in Qianhai Cooperation Zone (前海深港現代服務業合作區管理局), Shenzhen, Mainland
The Ordinance of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Qianhai Shenzhen-Hongkong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone (Qianhai Cooperation Zone) was recently approved at the ninth meeting of the standing committee of the Fifth Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress. 

Under the Ordinance, the Authority of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone of Shenzhen (the Qianhai Authority) will be established and given the authority to exercise the power of examining and approving non-financial projects enjoyed by cities with separate planning status. On 4 Aug 2011, we met delegates from Shenzhen Nanshan Science and Technology Institute (深圳市南山科技事務所) which is appointed by the QianhaiAuthority to discuss:
  1. The intention of surveyors in working and developing at Qianhai Cooperation Zone;
  2. The difficulties and obstacles of surveying profession in developing at Qianhai Cooperation Zone;
  3. The type of support required from the Qianhai Authority if surveyors work in Qianhai Cooperation Zone.
We had a fruitful discussion on how professional land surveyors in Hong Kong could provide our professional service in Qianhai under the current Surveying and Mapping Law of the People's Republic of China and other regulations.
Follow-up discussions and site visits will be held in the near future. I shall keep you updated on the latest development.
Ordinance for determination of land boundaries and establishment of Cadastre system
An effective land boundary system supports sound land governance of Hong Kong by enabling an identification of the extent of land parcels with certainty. It is of utmost importance to know the exact boundaries of the property as it protects the rights and interests of the property owners.
We support the Government’s enactment of legislation for determination of land boundaries, in order to administer the leased and un-leased land, control land use and formulate policies for planning and land development. It is essential for the Government to carry out its duties with certainty of land boundaries.
The provision should best be incorporated in the Land Survey Ordinance (Cap 473) such that the standard and control of relevant professional are already in place.
We also urge the Government to consider establishing a cadastre system in Hong Kong to facilitate the public and other professionals to access relevant land boundary information. The cadastre is a record of land right supplementing the current land registration system in Hong Kong. There are various ways in which details about the land may be recorded, reflecting the diversed ways in which land can be viewed. Broadly speaking there have been two approaches: one focusing on its legal aspects and the other on its fiscal or resource potential. The former, called land registration or the land book system, concentrates on the abstract rights associated with the land. The latter is the cadastre and often contains more evidence about the physical size and shape of areas, and data on land values or land use.    A key element in the cadastre is the cadastral map or plan. They serve one of two purposes – to locate areas of land and to provide information about each area. They may provide details about a single parcel of land in support of a land book entry; or they may show all the parcels within a given area and thus act as an index to help identify each one of them relative to the others.
Introducing HKIS to potential land surveyors
HKIS was invited by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University to give a brief introduction of HKIS and the student membership to the LSGI Orientation Programme.
The talk was held on Friday, 26 August 2011 and aided by our corporate video with a short powerpoint. The students were interested to learn that Professional Surveyors in Hong Kong are supported by various ordinance, namely the HongKong Institute of Surveyors Ordinance (Cap 1148), the Surveyor Registration Ordinance (Cap 417) and the Land Surveyor Ordinance (Cap 473).
LSD Contact Points
If you have any views on the Council’s work, please feel free to send them to the Hon Secretary at [email protected],hk or to me at [email protected] .
LSD Annual Dinner - 14 October 2011

Venue: Eaton Hotel Hong Kong, Pearl Ballroom, 2/F,No. 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Time: 18:30 - 19:30 Registration & Drinks Reception, 19:30 - 22:00 Buffet

Fee: HK$300 Member, HK$250 Probationer / Technical Trainee / Student Member,  HK$400 Non-member

Registration: Complete Standard Reservation Form for CPD/PQSL

Enquiry: Ms. Donna YU at 2526 3679 / [email protected] or Ms. Maris LO at9257 1695 / [email protected]