土地測量組主席的話 (2012年3月)

New APC Rules and Guide (LSD)

Pursuant to the amendment of the HKIS Constitution and Bye-laws took effect on 18 July 2011, the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) of the Land Surveying Division (LSD) is to be revised. We have completed the new APC Rules and Guide subject to the endorsement from BOE. Thanks for the effort of the LSD Education Committee (LSDEC) which is chaired by Mr Paul Ng in completing the R&G in great pace. The R&G paves the way for our probationer in taking the Technical Level (Part I) Assessment and the route to membership as shown in the diagram which is prepared by YSG for the Career Expo 2012.
The APC is a training and assessment scheme for those with recognized qualifications to seek for themselves admission to the membership of Associate Member (AMHKIS) or Member (MHKIS) of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS). The scheme consists of:
  • A specified period of technical or professional training;
  • A technical level (Part I) written assessment in the form of a question paper;
  • A technical level (Part I) assessment interview for admission to the membership of AMHKIS;
  • A professional level (Part II) written assessment in the form of a practical task and its written report;  
  • A professional level (Part II) assessment interview for admission to the membership of MHKIS;

Depending on the membership to be attained, the following submissions by APC candidates to HKIS are necessary:

  • Application for entry to APC;
  • Notification of change of training profile (if necessary);
  • Submission of training records;
  • Application for Part I written assessment;
  • Application for Part I assessment interview (for admission to AMHKIS);
  • Application for Part II written assessment; and
  • Application for Part II assessment interview (for admission to MHKIS).
Training Period
Training experience must be gained in at least one of the following nine specialized fields:
1. Cadastral Surveying
2. Engineering Surveying
3. Topographical Surveying
4. Geodetic Surveying
5. Hydrographic Surveying
6. Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
7. Mapping and Cartography
8. Geographic Information System
9. Utility Surveying
Technical Level (Part I) Assessment includes a written assessment and an interview. The Part I written assessment will be held twice a year. Candidates may apply for the Part I written assessment as soon as it is available for application. The required completion of minimum training applies to the application for assessment interview only. The Part I assessment interview is for admission to AMHKIS only.
Candidates may choose to apply for it or not depending on their need. Candidates attempting the Part I assessment interview must have passed the Part I written assessment and completed the minimum training required.
Professional Level (Part II) Assessment consists of the Part II written assessment and a professional interview. The Part II written assessment is in the form of a practical task and the written report of it. It is not necessary for a candidate to have completed the Part I written assessment before applying for the Part II written assessment. A candidate attempting the Part II assessment interview must have passed the Part I and Part II written assessments and completed the minimum training required.
The APC R&G will be published on the HKIS website very soon. You may like to contact our Secretary to LSDEC at [email protected]  for any further information about the new APC and the new R&G.
LSD Contact Points
If you have any views on the Council’s work, please feel free to send them to the Honorary Secretary at [email protected],hk  or to me at [email protected].