土地測量組主席的話 (2012年6月)

2012 Mainland and Hong Kong Construction Industry Forum (2012 年內地與香港建築業論壇)

The annual conference is an industry-wide platform for Hong Kong and Mainland construction stakeholders to share their knowledge and experiences, as well as build business networks. The theme of 2012 was “Sustainable Urban Form: City Land Use and Town Planning”. During the Conference, all speakers from various organizations and cities stressed the importance of land use and urban planning by employing the latest GIS technologies in their works. As land surveyors, we are proud to be part of a professional team that contributes to a better future for our city.
這個論壇的目標是促進內地與香港建造業在技術和專業知識 等方面的交流,並加強彼此的合作。今年的主題是「可持續城市形態:城市土地利用與城市規劃」。今年我見到各城市的單位,包括重慶、武漢、深圳等,都標榜他們如何利用地理資訊系統來開展城市土地利用與城市規劃說的工作。重慶市規劃局總規劃師張遠對我表示,他們需要倚靠過千人的測繪團隊為規劃局採集所需的地理資訊,從而令規劃工作得以順利完成。
Spatial Data Infrastructure 2012 Conference – SDIs & Emergency mapping & solution
The Conference was held on 15 June 2012 at the Cityview Hotel. The Joint Organizers were The Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (ICES), the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, the Hong Kong Institute of Engineering Surveyors, and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPU). Professor Ding Xiao-li of HKPU gave the Keynote Speech on Emergency Mapping Solutions.
Speakers from the HKSAR Government, the GIS Manager, the Instrument Vendor, and overseas consultancies delivered talks on the latest developments in their respective application areas.
The conference was well-received by approximately 160 attendees. We are looking forward to a strong SDI with viable solutions for emergencies to be realized in the near future.
ICES(GE) & HKIS(LSD) Reciprocity Agreement
The General Council endorsed a proposal for a Reciprocity Agreement between the Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors’ Geospatial Engineers and our Land Surveyors.
A Corporate Member (Member or Fellow) of the HKIS in good standing who is also a member of the Land Surveying Division may be elected a Member of the ICES (Geospatial Engineering stream) subject to: (a) one year’s post-qualification professional practice relevant to the ICES (Geospatial Engineering stream) and in circumstances that will enable a Member or Fellow of the ICES (Geospatial Engineering stream) to confirm the professional activities undertaken and (b) a professional competency interview conducted by the ICES.
A Member or Fellow of the ICES in good standing who is in the Geospatial Engineering stream and elected to ICES membership via its Graduate Route may also be elected a Member of the HKIS Land Surveying Division subject to:
  1. one year’s post-qualification professional practice in Hong Kong in circumstances that will enable a Corporate Member of the HKIS Land Surveying Division to confirm the professional activities undertaken and
  2. a professional competency interview conducted by the HKIS Land Surveying Division to assess the applicant’s suitability for admission into its ranks.
The Reciprocity Agreement is also applicable to Associate Members of the HKIS’s Land Surveying Division and Technical Members of the ICES’s Geospatial Engineering stream who are in good standing.
The Reciprocity Agreement shall organize a signing ceremony for 3 August 2012 at the HKIS’s Surveyor Learning Centre. Members are welcomed to attend the ceremony and meet our friends in the ICES.
Briefing Session on the new LSD APC Rules and Guide (June 2012) and the announcement of the APC Part One Assessment, 2012
The new Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) will become operational following the amendment of the HKIS Constitution and By-Laws on 18 July 2011. We are pleased to inform you that the Rules and Guide to the APC for the Land Survey Division (LSD) have recently been approved by the Board of Education and will be available on our website. A briefing session on the new APC Rules & Guide will be held on 24 August 2012 at the HKIS’s Surveyors Learning Centre. Probationers and student members are also welcomed to attend. Further details are available on the webcast.
2012 年度粵港澳測量師學術交流聯誼活動廣東省佛山市三水區
今年的活動在 7 月 22 至 25 日在佛山市三水區綠湖溫泉度假酒店舉行。粵港澳測繪同寅將會在土地徵用、全過程北斗衛星接收機、1 秒全站儀、無人飛機遙測、香港測量師註冊制度和香港土地測量師在發展項目等議題上所廣泛交流。我們亦會利用這個機會,瞭解佛山市三水區一些舊區改造及其他有關活動。會員詳情請留意會訊及有關報名事宜。
LSD Contact Points
If you have any views on the Council’s work, please feel free to send them to the Honorary Secretary at [email protected],hk or to me at [email protected] .