土地測量組主席的話 (2012年7月)

Technical Visit to Sanshui District of Foshan City (粵港澳測量師學術交流聯誼活動2012)

Technical seminars are held among land surveyors from Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau from time to time to update everyone on the latest technologies from all three places. Over the years, we have visited Guangzhou, Chaozhou, Shantou, Shaoguan, Huizhou, Zhongshan, and Zhanjiang and treasured every visit. The 2012 Technical Visit was made to Foshan between 22 and 25 July with over 100 delegates. The visit enhanced our understanding of the development of Foshan. We first established our relationship with the Foshan Municipal Government, which paved the way for future cooperation.
At this seminar, the latest updates on the Survey and Mapping developments in Foshan, Hong Kong, and Macau were reported and Foshan’s economic growth was highlighted. We also exchanged our registration systems of land surveying professionals in both Hong Kong and the Mainland. The latest technology of the Beidou Satellite Receiver System and the unmanned remotely-operated aircraft for aerial survey were introduced. Many thanks go to the organizers: the Guangdong Provincial Association of Surveying and Mapping, the Foshan Natural Resources and Urban Planning Bureau, and the People’s Government of Sanshui District, Foshan, for their wholehearted planning and arrangement of every single step in making the event a great success. Special thanks go to the Department of Land and Resources of Guangdong Province for its full support for every aspect of the event.
粵港澳測量師學術交流聯誼活動,在過去多年來,曾訪問廣州、潮汕、韶關、惠州、中山及湛江等地,每次團員都 口碑載道。今年交流聯誼活動在佛山市三水區的綠湖溫泉度假酒店舉行,希望藉此交流聯誼活動加深瞭解佛山的發展,亦希望與佛山市政府建立及增進友誼,為日後的往來合作邁出第一步。
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