產業測量組主席的話 (2012年8月)

New APC and Revision Workshops

Members may be aware that after the EGM on 18 July 2011, a new APC scheme (“the New Scheme”) took effect on the same day. The New Scheme recognizes importance of professional knowledge in specific areas and, as such, probationers undergoing the APC will have to attain a satisfactory standard in this respect. There are two parts under the New Scheme. Part I is a combination of: (i) 12 months’ experience; (ii) 20 hours pre-qualification structured learning (“PQSL”) for cognate degree holders [40 hours PQSL for those who are not] within 12 months before the Part 1 written assessment; and (iii) a written assessment of four papers. Probationers who pass Part 1 may proceed to Part 2 if they have accumulated a minimum of 24 months of structured training. Part 2 is the submission of a critical analysis followed by an oral assessment.
During the transition period, candidates who enrolled prior to 2011 will be allowed to sit for the APC written examination which is to be held on 4 October this year. To help candidates with the APC written examination, the Education Committee of GP Division and the Young Surveyors  Group had arranged seven APC Revision Workshops, which covered the entire syllabus. Details are as below:
Workshop  Date Speakers
GPD APC Revision Programme 1:
(i) Land Resumption and (ii) Landlord & Tenant
4 August 2012 Saturday
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Sr Louie Chan, FHKIS MRICS, Barrister-at-law
GPD APC Revision Programme 2:
Valuation 1
11 August 2012 Saturday
9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Sr Thomas Tang, FHKIS, Chairman of the Board of Education of HKIS & co-convenor of the Education Committee of GP Division
GPD APC Revision Programme 3:
(i) Business Valuation and (ii) Asset Management 1 and Agency Practice
11 August 2012 Saturday
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Sr Louie Chan
GPD APC Revision Programme 4:
Valuation 2
18 August 2012 Saturday
9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Sr Thomas Tang
GPD APC Revision Programme 5:
(i) Development and (ii) Land Administration
18 August 2012 Saturday
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Sr Louie Chan
GPD APC Revision Programme 6:
(i) Valuation III and (ii) Rating Valuation
25 August 2012 Saturday
9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Sr Thomas Tang
GPD APC Revision Programme 7:
(i) Property Management and
(ii) Part 2 Assessment
25 August 2012 Saturday
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Sr Lawrence Pang
Sr Louie Chan

These Workshops were most welcomed by the candidates. In fact, all the seats were taken up. The candidates had the opportunities to update their professional knowledge and surveying practices.

Before leaving this topic, I wish to thank the GPD Education Committee, the GPD APC Panel, and all the speakers, Sr Louie Chan, Sr Thomas Tang, Sr Edward Au, Sr Joseph Ho, and Sr Lawrence Pang.
The HKIS GPD Land Supply Working Group
In 2007-08 Policy Address, the then-Chief Executive announced to evaluate/ take on New Development Areas (NDAs) as one of Hong Kong’s ten major infrastructure projects for economic growth. The NDAs shall provide quality living space in the Northern New Territories. The original planning study on the Northeast New Territories (NENT Study) was first commissioned in 1998. Several potential areas in Kwu Tung North, Fanling North, and Ping Che/Ta Kwu Ling were identified as suitable NDAs. The government recently revisited the need for strategic development areas in the New Territories and recommended proceeding with some of the NDA developments to address long-term housing needs and provide employment opportunities.
The Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) and the Planning Department (PlanD) had jointly commissioned the Northeast New Territories New Development Areas Planning and Engineering Study (the NENT NDAs Study) in June 2008 to establish a planning and development framework for the Kwu Tung North (KTN), Fanling North (FLN) and Ping Che/Ta Kwu Ling (PC/TKL) NDAs to meet long-term objectives.
Public participation is crucial for the projects. Various public engagement activities have been carried out to incorporate the public’s views into the planning and design of the NDAs. The government has now prepared the Preliminary Outline Development Plans (PODPs) of the NDAs and has proceeded with the Stage Three Public Engagement to collate views on the PODPs to enhance the development proposals for formulating the Layout Plans.
In response to the PODPs, the HKIS GPD has set up a Land Supply Working Group (LSWG) to focus on the proposed NDAs and to respond to government’s consultation by giving recommendations for ways that could help motivate the private sector resources to enhance land supply instead of simply relying on the government. The LSWG, convened by Sr CK Lau with members from different sectors, including Sr Charles Chan, Joseph Ho, Andrew Fung, Tony Wan, Edward Au, and Selene Chiu. They had conducted meetings to review the Government Land Supply Program, New Town Resumption Experience, and NENT NDA and Land Resumption procedures.
The NENT NDAs will offer chances to promote social and economic developments in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. It will also address the housing and employment aspects resulting from population growth by provision of approximately 533 ha of developable land. HKIS LSWG will solicit views from members and submit responses and comments to the government at various appropriate stages.
Joint Guidance Note (JGNs) for Surveyors acting as Experts in Commercial Rent Reviews in Hong Kong Now Undergoing Legal Scrutiny
The document is being finalized. The JGNs are Joint RICS and HKIS Guidance Notes and not a Statement of Standard Practice. They are designed primarily to assist those who are appointed by the HKIS President, or directly by the parties, to act as experts in any rent review dispute. JGNs are intended to assist the parties concerned, and related parties, by making them aware of the procedures and issues that are involved. The JGNs are not intended to provide guidance to those acting as arbitrators, in which case other specific procedures will be relevant. A surveyor may also be called upon by the related parties to a Lease to determine matters in dispute, such as assessment of service charges or valuation in connection with an option to purchase. The JGNs are not intended to cover all such matters, but set out the basic principles in general terms.
When procedures for specific professional tasks are recommended in the JGNs, they are intended to embody ‘best practices’. That is, procedures which, in the opinion of the RICS and the HKIS will meet a high standard of professional competence. The person appointed must exercise his professional expertise and judgment.
The JGNs are consistent with the standard practices and procedures adopted by RICS and HKIS. The standard practices and procedures have been carefully considered and revised to deal with common problems that have been encountered in the determination process, to facilitate procedures for the benefit of both the appointed Expert and parties to a rent review dispute.
The JGNs are based upon the laws and practices in Hong Kong.
When members are appointed to act as Experts, they are vested with substantial powers and the ability to determine the financial position of the parties to the dispute, particularly in view of the limited circumstances in which the courts will set aside the determination. The laws continue to evolve, so members have a professional duty to keep their knowledge of them up-to-date. The JGNs are relevant to professional competence in that surveyors should be up to date and should acquaint himself/ herself of the Notes within a reasonable amount of time of promulgation.
Vetting Panel for Real Estate Valuers and Business Valuers for Public Disclosure Purposes
As reported earlier, Vetting Panel procedures for Real Estate Valuers and Business Valuers for Public Disclosure Purposes were being reviewed. The Vetting will be on the recommendation of the Panel for Real Estate Valuers and Business Valuers for Public Disclosure Purposes (“Vetting Panel”). The GPD Council has resolved to conduct an annual review of the list of property valuers for undertaking valuations for incorporation or reference in listing particulars, as well as circulars and valuations in connection with takeovers and mergers (“the List”). Annual return in relevant form and declaration by members on the List shall be submitted to the HKIS. A declaration is to confirm that the subject member has fulfilled the necessary requirements for him/ her to be included in the List (including employment by a firm providing valuation services). The submission timing will be by the end of November each year. Announcements/ updates to the List will be made by the end of January in the following year. Updates to the List will be made by the end of July each year for new applications and/or applications for reinstatement to the List.
Recruitment of APC Assessors
The new APC scheme is now in force. The first Part II APC Assessment (i.e., the professional interview) will be conducted as soon as possible, which is likely later this year. Under this new scheme, the GPD Council will have to re-recruit assessors and provide training/briefing sessions to them beforehand. We anticipate that quite a number of assessors are required for the coming Part I and Part II APC Assessments. Consequently, we wish to invite members, especially senior members, to join the assessment panel that is about to be formed. Members will be informed of the arrangement in due course.