規劃及發展組主席的話 (2014年4月)

 On 15 April, 2014, Sr Edwin Tsang and I went to Shanghai. On the morning of 16 April, we met the responsible professors of Shanghai Tongji University to finalise an agreement to provide a Bachelor’s Degree programme in Planning & Development at Tongji. In the afternoon, we met again to discuss the syllabus for the course. We found the course contents to be in order, so we signed the agreement.


At the same time, Tongji proposed the formation of a training centre with the HKIS to promote the Institute together with the degree course. We promised to forward its proposal to our General Council for consideration.


本人與曾正麟測量師於 2014  4  15 日到上海,並於 16 日早上與上海同濟大學教授會面,以落實雙方對開授《規劃及發展測量師預備會員》本科課程的具體合作協定,並於下午討論該課程的課程大綱。最終,我們對該課程的內容達成共識及簽署了合作協定書

