建築測量組主席的話 (2014年5月)

 Discussion Forum

The Buildings Department’s Authorised Persons, Registered Structural Engineers and Registered Geotechnical Engineers Committee is a forum for discussing all matters concerning the duties and practices of the above three categories of professionals. The HKIS’s representatives are Sr Andrew KUNG and Sr Edgar LI. From time to time, the discussion forum is convened by BD, discussing matters raised by various institutes that relate to the professional practices. Matters

raised by other institutes include clarifying regulations, codes of practice, and even different interpretations from BD officers. In this regard, if you want us to raise a matter, please e-mail us at: [email protected].


A web discussion platform will also been established for communications. Please e-mail us at the above address if you want to be informed of the different discussion topics.





Further to my announcement in the April issue on commending building surveying projects, title is the “BS Award”. We plan to have three main categories for the Award: New Building Projects, Major A&A & renovation works, and Maintenance & Repair works for three different participant categories: clients, consultants, and contractors. We will enlist the help of an event organiser to implement the project. Subject to the confirmation of the schedule, nominations should start in October.


Workshop on Proper Maintenance Arrangements

A workshop will be held to address the current difficulties in the implementation of proper maintenance arrangements, particularly on how to address the problem of bid-rigging. This workshop is part of the Scholarship for Secondary School Students programme that we are promoting to potential candidates. A working group has been formed to follow up on this issue, in particular on suggesting that a statutory body to regulate the conduct of maintenance consultants and maintenance contractors, which we suggested in our press release last September. Please see the Chinese press release in the following link:  http://www.hkis.org.hk/ufiles/pr-20130925.pdf




If you want to volunteer this event or contribute to the proper maintenance arrangement, please write to me.




Distinguished Building Surveyors

Nominations for inclusion on the list of Distinguished Building Surveyors expired on May 31. The nominations are under the review of the BSD Council. The result will be announced soon.


Direct Communication with the BSD Chairman

If you have any idea or comment that you want to communicate or share with me, please e-mail me at: [email protected].


屋宇署為認可人士、註冊結構工程師及註冊岩土工程師設立論壇,讓各建築專業學會傳達、表達及討論同業在執業時遇到的問題及在建築條例演譯上的疑問。如果你想提供意見或期望知道討論題目,可電郵給我們。承上月的報告,我們會就工程及參與者的分類設立HKIS BS Award,並暫定於十月開始接受提名。另外我們亦預備開設有關樓宇保養的工作坊,歡迎大家參與及提供協助。


至於傑出建築測量師獎的提名已於 5 31 日截止,結果將容後公佈。