建築測量組主席的話 (2014年6月)

 The FIFA World Cup 2014 and Social Media Communication Platform

At the time of issue of this article, more than half of the World Cup’s matches would have been played and many of us would have enjoyed watching and commenting on them in the online social media, which have proven to be very successful in fostering instant responses or exchanges of views. As I reported in last month’s issue, the HKIS will establish a web-based communication platform or a hybrid web-based cum mobile-based platform to enhance communications between members on items to be discussed in the Buildings Department’s Authorised Persons, Registered Structural Engineers, and Registered  Geotechnical Engineers Committee (APSEC). I invite you to e-mail us at [email protected] to share your views. While this forum aims to be a platform for Authorised Persons (Surveyors) and Corporate Members of the BSD, probationers and students are also welcome to participate and raise any issue related to the building surveying practice. However, the discussion of the BD’s paper is still restricted to professional members.


Distinguished Building Surveyors

Since the HKIS’s server was hacked, some members were unable to download the nomination form from our website. Hence, I have extended the deadline for the nomination of candidates for inclusion on the list of Distinguished Building Surveyors to July 31. The relevant details and application form can be reviewed and downloaded at: http://www.hkis.org.hk/bsd/en/newsroom_event_details.php?id=3248.


Crack Gauge (裂縫規)

Thanks to the hard work of the BSD’s Past Chairman cum BSD Spokesman, Sr David CHAN, and the strong support of his daughter, the BSD crack gauge will soon be ready for BSD members’ collection and purchase. We are considering organising a CPD seminar on the essences of building surveying and providing a brief introduction to using this gauge during the seminar. We trust that this gauge will help members conduct better surveys, including determining the width of a crack on the spot!


The 2014 HKIS Building Surveying and Eddie Lee Memorial Education Foundation Scholarship for Secondary School Students

The 2014 Scholarship has already kicked off and a briefing workshop cum career talk will be held at Henrietta Secondary School on 28 June 2014. This workshop will feature a career talk by professional members, probationers, and university students; a sharing session by the recipients of the 2013 Scholarship; and a briefing by the HKIS Scholarship committee on the application details. After that, participants will be invited to take part in a workshop to enhance their knowledge of the importance of building maintenance.


Details of the 2014 Scholarship and the nomination form can be  viewed/downloaded at:





廣東省建設監理協會邀請了我們參加於 2014   27-29 日於珠海舉行的中南地區監理行業工作交流會。建築測量組由陳旭明前會長兼建築測量組前主席帶領,鄧海坤前主席、 黃來發前主席和我出席了此次會議。交流會由各中南地區協會代表就當前建設監理體制深化改革提出具體意見和建議,我也在會上提出了內地監理工程師在建築物落成後可貢獻,尤其是保養維修方面的工作路向。




Direct Communication with the BSD Chairman

I f you have any idea or comment that you want to communicate with me, please e-mail me at:[email protected] . 


學會將建立一個網上平台以加強會員之間就屋宇署為認可人士、註冊結構工程師及註冊岩土工程師設立的論壇(APSEC)上曾討論的項目作交流,歡迎對此有興趣的會員電郵給我們。另外,因學會網頁早前受干擾以致一些會員未能趕及於  31 日前呈交傑出建築測量師獎的提名,故此有關限期已申延至  31 日。鳴謝前主席及現任發言人陳華偉測量師及其女兒的努力,建築測量組的裂縫規將會面世,我們將就裂縫規的應用舉辦持續專業發展項目簡介講座。至於測量師學會獎學金的簡介工作坊及職業講座將於 2014   28日於顯理中學舉行,稍後參與同學將應邀參與工作坊以提高他們對保養樓宇的知識。


BSD APC Practical Task 2014

12-15 November 2014

Applications for the Practical Task should be made on Form APC4/BS.

Re-applications should be made on Form APC4R/BS.

All applications should be submitted together with the assessment fee of HK$1,050/HK$650, whichever is appropriate.

Applications will only be accepted if they are received by the HKIS Office during the month of August 2014.

Late applications will be rejected.

Incomplete applications will not be entertained.