產業測量組主席的話 (2014年7月)

APC Structured Learning Programme (“SLP”)

We successfully conducted several sessions of the APC SLP Revision Workshops to cover the entire syllabus of Part 1 of the APC written examination. The remaining sessions are summarised as follows:

Date &  Topics

Valuation (6 hours)

16 August 2014 (Sat) PM 2. Statutory Valuation – Rating

23 August 2014 (Sat) PM 3. Business Valuation


Agency Practice and Asset Management and Property Development and Management (9 hours)

02 August 2014 (Sat) PM 1 Transaction by Private Treaty, Sale and Letting, Auction, and Tender

09 August 2014 (Sat) AM 2 Planning and Development

16 August 2014 (Sat) AM 3 Asset Management


Law and Surveying (3 hours)

23 August 2014 (Sat) AM 1.2 Land Acquisition & Compensation

New GP Surveyors Receive Their Diplomas

8 new GP members received their diplomas during the Diploma Presentation Ceremony on 27 June 2014. The ceremony was held at the Royal Plaza Hotel and attended by over 160 participants. The HKIS President, Sr Simon Kwok, and the GPD Chairman, Sr Joseph HO, presented the diplomas to the newest GP members.

Pilot Scheme for Arbitration on Land Premium

On 16 July 2014, the government announced the implementation of the Pilot Scheme for Arbitration on Land Premium (Pilot Scheme), which it intends to implement in August 2014. On 17 July 2014, the HKIS issued a press release to welcome the Pilot Scheme. It believes that the Scheme will provide an alternative option to speed up the negotiation process between private landowners and the government.

A working group of the HKIS General Practice Division is preparing a list of professional surveyors in valuation who are qualified to act as the Arbitrator under this scheme. HKIS will call for application for enlisting soon. Members may wish to notice further announcement from the Institute.

HKIS RICS Joint Valuation Conference 2014 – 14 Nov 2014

Subsequent to our first HKIS General Practice Division Valuation Conference held on 28 June 2014 at the JW Marriott in Admiralty, we are further co-organising with the RICS Asia Valuation Professional Group Board a Joint Valuation Conference to be held on 14 November 2014.

The theme of the Conference is “Value in a Changing Word – Policies Compliance and Client Mandates” with various speakers ranging from researchers, accountants, REIT operators, private practitioners, and representatives of the Rating and Valuation Department and other government departments. Details of the Conference refer advertisement at the end of this section.

The 2014 Cross-Strait Land Conference – “Challenge and Strategy in Land Use”

The 2014 Cross-Strait Land Conference 「2014 年兩岸四地土地學術研討會」 will be held from 20-21 September 2014 (Saturday to Sunday) in Taipei together with 「2014第十二屆土地研究學術研討會」. This conference is co-organised by four related institutes: the HKIS, the DSCC of Macau, the Faculty of Geography of Taiwan Politics University, and the Land Administration Faculty of the People’s University of China. The GPD is tasked by the General Council of the HKIS as the key division for promoting this event. Members are encouraged to participate. Details are to be published by the institute in due course.

新產業測量組成員在 2014 年 6 月 27 日舉行的文憑頒授典禮接受了他們的文憑。超過 160 人參加在香港帝京酒店舉行的儀式。香港測量師學會會長郭志和及產業測量組主席何展才頒授文憑給這些新產業測量組成員。

2014年度 香港測量師學會 皇家特許測量師學會 聯會估價會議
<香港測量師學會與皇家特許測量師學會將二零一四年十一月十四日(星期五)於香港舉行 「2014 年度皇家特許測量師學會香港測量師學會聯會估價會議」,是次會議的主題為「估價在時代演變中的路向」。會議邀請了不同業界人士及政府部門代表作演講。詳情請參閱尾段之廣告。

2014 年兩岸四地學術研討會 – “土地利用的挑戰與策略”
「兩岸四地土地學術研討會」是由中國人民大學土地管理系、臺灣政治大學地政學系、香港測量師學會和澳門地圖繪製暨地籍局共同發起,至今已舉辦了七屆,對促進兩岸四地土地學術研究、提升技術水平、加強同行間的友誼與合作上,均取得豐碩成果。為擴大參與及增進彼此交流,本屆研討會將與「2014 第十二屆土地研究學術研討會」同時於 2014 年 9 月 20-21 日(星期六、日)在台北木柵政治大學舉行。藉此機會讓兩岸四地的專家和學者聚首一堂,共同發表論文、分享經驗、互相交流各地的土地理論和技術的最新發展情況。香港測量師學會亦鼓勵會員踴躍參加,詳情留意學會的公布。

世界估價組織協會國際房地產估價論壇 2014
由世界估價組織協會(WAVO)及中國房地產估價師與房地產經紀人學會(CIREA)主辦、新加坡測量師與估價師學會(SISV)和香港測量師學會(HKIS)協辦之國際房地產估價論壇 2014 將於 2014 年 10 月 22-24 日在北京舉行。是次主題為“全球房地產估價進展—方法、標準及最佳實踐”。香港測量師學會鼓勵會員(特別是北京會員)踴躍參加,論壇詳情稍後公布。

GPD APC Part One

Written Assessment 2014

The schedule of GPD APC Part One Written Assessment 2014 is as follows:
Date: 4 October and 11 October 2014 (Saturdays)
Time: 10am – 5pm
Venue: The Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Morrison Hill Campus)

The Part Two Assessment will be held in December 2014. Detailed arrangement will be announced in due course.

Application forms for the APC Part One Written Assessment (APC6/GP/1a or APC6/GP/1b or APC6/GP/F1 or APC6/GP/F2) could be downloaded from our website (HKIS main page -> Professional Development -> APC -> GPD).

Completed form must be returned to HKIS Secretariat by no later than 12:30pm, Saturday, 30 August 2014. 

Late submission will not be accepted.

For enquiry, please contact Ms. Judy Shiu at 2526 3679 (Tel).