產業測量組主席的話 (2014年8月)

2014 RICS HKIS Joint Valuation Conference – Save the Date!

The HKIS General Practice Division is working with the RICS Asia Valuation Professional Group Board to co-organise a Joint Valuation Conference on 14 November 2014. The theme of the Conference is, “Value in a Changing Word -Policy Compliance and Client Mandates”, with researchers, accountants, REIT operators, private practitioners, Rating and Valuation Department and Intellectual Property Department representatives scheduled to attend. The Conference will count as eight CPD hours.


2014 WAVO International Conference – Save the Date!

The HKIS will co-organise with the WAVO, CIREA, and SISV the 2014 WAVO International Conference from 22-24 October 2014 in Beijing. Its details will be announced soon.


Arbitrators (Valuation Expert) under the Pilot Scheme for Arbitration on Land Premiums

As reported in July’s issue of Surveyors Times, a working group of the HKIS General Practice Division is preparing a list of professional surveyors in valuation who are qualified to provide land premium arbitration services under the Pilot Scheme for Arbitration on Land Premiums (the List). The working group, in conjunction with the HKIS Administrative Office, is working on an announcement to invite qualified GP members to apply for a place on the List. The criteria for being included on the List include:


  • Being a Corporate Member of the HKIS’s GPD Division
  • Being a Registered Professional Surveyor (GP)
  • Having over ten years’ post-qualification experience in land matters and valuation


There will be a pro-forma CV for qualified members to list their relevant experiences so that users of the List can know them better.


The existing vetting panel for the application of property valuers for public disclosure purposes and business valuation will be expanded to cover the vetting of the List. The backgrounds of the existing members on the vetting panel include government, developer, and private practice representatives, as well as member(s) of academia.


Guidance Notes for Surveyors Serving as Experts in Commercial Rent Review Determinations (the “GN”)



Following the RICS’s acceptance of the use of Hong Kong Law to resolve disputes in the copyright agreement between the HKIS and RICS on the GN, the GPD Chairman is now arranging for the HKIS’s execution of the copyright agreement in due course. Once accomplished, the GN will be released to members of both institutes for their reference.


GPD Round Table Meeting

The Board of Membership has requested each division of the HKIS to give its views on the supply of and demand for manpower in its respective field. In order to collect the views efficiently, representatives from the firms on the GPD Company List have been invited to attend a round table meeting on this topic organised by the GPD Council and convened by the Chairman. The details of the meeting are as follows:

Date: Friday, 12 September 2014

Time: 2:30-3:30 PM

Venue: HKIS Surveyors Learning Centre, Room 1207, 12/F, Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong


To facilitate a better arrangement of the meeting, please reply by e-mail to Ms Margaret Yung at [email protected] on or before 10 September 2014.


HKIS Beijing GPD Members Round Table Meeting

The GPD Chairman, Sr Joseph Ho, is inviting Beijing-based GPD members to attend a round table meeting that will be organised at our Beijing Office on 29 August 2014 at 5:30pm. GPD members in Beijing are welcome to join the meeting to share their views on the development of the GPD’s membership affairs in Beijing.



香港測量師學會產業測量組主席何展才測量師現邀請北京地區產業測量組會員參加於 8 29 日下午 5 30 分在香港測量師學會北京辦事處舉行的產業測量組會員探討會,希望會員可以積極參加此次活動提出您們寶貴的意見,感興趣的探討內容和屬意的舉辦形式,以便產業測量組能更好的組織相關會員活動。