產業測量組主席的話 (2014年9月)

 2014 WAVO International Conference – Save the Date

The HKIS will co-organise with WAVO, CIREA, and SISV the 2014 WAVO International Conference from 22-24 October 2014 in Beijing. Details of the Conference will be announced soon.


Arbitrators (Valuation Experts) under the Pilot Scheme for Arbitration on Land Premiums

The working group of the HKIS General Practice Division invited qualified GPD members to apply for listing on the List of Valuation Experts as Arbitrators under the Pilot Scheme for Arbitration on Land Premiums (the List) by e-mail on 30 August 2014. We have, so far, received a number of applications, while the List, after being vetted by the vetting panel, will be published on the HKIS GPD webpage for public reference in October. Qualified GPD members may contact the HKIS Administrative Office for application details if they wish to apply.






GPD Roundtable Meeting

The Board of Membership (BOM) requested each division of the HKIS to comment on the supply and demand of manpower in their respective surveying profession. In order to collect the views efficiently, a group of representatives from the firms on the GPD Company List were invited to attend a roundtable meeting organised by the GPD Council and convened by the Chairman on the afternoon of 12 September 2014 to exchange views on this topic.


The meeting reached the following conclusions:

  1. With regards to how many members now serving the general society and our projections for the next two years indicating either a shortage/excess of manpower, the attendees considered that it would be difficult to determine the number given that the manpower survey does not include the government’s input. The attendees opined that there was a lack of qualified surveyors (excluding those from overseas institutes) to meet the needs of the private sector due to the government absorbing a significant portion of the pool of qualified surveyors.
  2. With regards to natural admission (education) and whether it can meet demand or should be downsized if there is an oversupply, the attendees considered that every year graduates of the undergraduate programmes can meet market needs. However, this does not necessarily mean a graduate is a qualified surveyor who can work competently. Some large scale private firms are now asking graduates to take a written test as part of the recruitment process to test their English skills.
  3. The attendees opined that to understand the market, a large scale interview supplemented by a questionnaire is required. We considered that without the government’s participation in the survey, it can only represent a limited part of the private practice.

The above views were endorsed by the GDP Council and submitted to the BOM for its reference.

GPD Chairman in Beijing

Meeting with CIREA personnel The GPD Chairman, Sr Joseph Ho, and GPD Council Coopted Member, Sr Elsa Ng, met Ms Li Juan, Director of CIREA's Department of Foreign Affairs, and Ms He Nam, Director of CIREA’S Development and Services Department, at the HKIS’s Beijing office on 29 August 2014. During the meeting, views on how both institutes could best organize joint CPD programmes for dual members of both institutes were exchanged. We also discussed the possibility of updating the dual members’ latest correspondence address records, online CPD programmes, and accepting the crosschapters of the CPD hours within the CIREA.


Technical seminar

Sr Ho and Sr Ng were also invited to attend a technical seminar in Beijing on 30 August 2014 organised by the China Real Estate Valuers and Agents Association and coorganised by the Beijing Real Estate Valuer Association. The theme of the seminar was “大數據在不動產估價領域應用” and over 350 participants attended. The Guest of Honour was Mr Hu Cunzhi, the Vice-Minister of the PRC's Ministry

of Land & Resources. During the seminar, Sr Ho introduced how GP surveyors used the available databases to conduct real property valuations in Hong Kong.






  1. 產業測量組主席何展才測量師及增選理事吳紅梅測量師於八月二十九日在學會北京辦事處與中國房地產估價師與房地產經紀人學會發展服務部賀楠主任及對外交流部李娟主任會面,相方就如何完善對經互認安排而成為各自的會員的後續服務交換意見。
  2. 產業測量組主席何展才測量師及增選理事吳紅梅測量師於八月三十日應北京房地產估價師和土地估價師協會的邀請,參與由中國土地估價師與土地登記代理人協會(中估協)主辦,北京房地產估價師和土地估價師協會協辦的大數據在不動產估價領域應用研討會。研討會有超過三百五十人參與,並由北京房地產估價師和土地估價師協會監事長郭晉林主持。國土資源部黨組成員、副部長、中估協會長胡存智在會上講話。產業測量組主席何展才測量師以「大資料時代下香港測量師」為主題,介紹了香港產業測量師、香港房地產評估程式以及香港產業測量師在評估程式中如何使用房地產資料庫。