土地測量組主席的話 (2014年9月)

 Liaisons with the RICS Geomatics Professional Group (GPG)

With regard to the possibility of the LSD and RICS GPG mutually recognising each other’s members, a new form of mutual recognition at the divisional level between the two groups was proposed. In this connection, the Chairman welcomes LSD members to express their views. Please feel free to contact the LSD Council.


Annual HKIS CEPA Visit to Beijing

The subject visit has been confirmed. The Chairman welcomes LSD members to express their views on the following issues:

  • 國家對測繪地理資訊的最新政策法規;
  • 內地房產測繪的最新發展;
  • 資格互認。


2014 LSD Annual SDI Conference – “Are You Ready to Become a BIMer?”

The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS), the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), the Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (ICES), and the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) successfully held the 5th Joint Annual Conference on Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) in Hong Kong on 26 September 2014. Please stay tuned for the full report in the next issue of Surveyors Times.





2014 Biennial LSD Guangdong-HKMacau Interflow Visit

The biennial LSD Guangdong-HK-Macau interflow visit to Chaozhou will be held at the end of October 2014. We look forward to meeting with the Guangdong Provincial Association of Surveying and Mapping 廣東省測繪學會 and our Macau counterparts. We encourage you to join the tour.


LS Article in the Classified Post

The LSD Council invited our past President, Sr LEUNG Shou Chun, to write an article, 海闊天空話測量, which will be published in the Classified Post soon.


2014 Land Surveying Division Annual Dinner – 24 October 2014

With the theme of “Surveying & Development,” the LSD’s annual dinner will be held on 24 October 2014 at the Royal Plaza Hotel (Junior Ballroom I, Level 3, 193 Prince Edward Road West, Kowloon) with a cocktail reception starting at 6:30 PM before the dinner.


It is our pleasure to have Mr Eric SC MA, the Undersecretary for Development, as the Guest of Honour for this ceremony.


It is a precious opportunity for people working in land surveying to network and establish or strengthen their friendships. You may wish to meet not only land surveying and GIS members, but the practitioners of other surveying disciplines, who represent different organisations like the government, academia, equipment suppliers, and software and service providers.


We look forward to seeing you.


LSD Contact Points

If you have any view on the work of the Council, please feel free to send it to the Hon Secretary at [email protected]  or to me at [email protected] . We shall keep you in close contact with the Council and seek your views and support for a better LSD.