產業測量組主席的話 (2014年10月)

  Arbitrators (Valuation Expert) under the Pilot Scheme for Arbitration on Land Premium

The HKIS General Practice Division (GPD) invited Professional Surveyors in the GPD to apply for listing in the List of Valuation Expert as Arbitrator under the Pilot Scheme for Arbitration on Land Premium (the List) by e-mail on 30 August 2014. The vetting panel completed the vetting procedure for the first batch applicants and 61 Professional Surveyors in the GPD are in the List as at 31 October 2014. The List is available on HKIS GPD webpage. The Pro Forma CV of the listed Professional Surveyors will soon be uploaded on the webpage for public reference. Professional Surveyors in the GPD wishing to apply may contact the HKIS Administrative Office for details.


Visit of Shenzhen Society of Certified Public Appraisers

A delegation of three representatives from the Shenzhen Society of Certified Public Appraisers led by Mr Li Xiheng visited the HKIS in the morning of 29 September 2014. The delegates were welcomed by the Chairman of the GPD, Sr Joseph Ho. Views on intellectual properties valuation and development in Hong Kong were exchanged.


Talk on Valuation to the Planning Department, Hong Kong SAR

The GPD Chairman Sr Joseph Ho was invited by the Planning Department of the HKSAR to give a talk on “Dialogue with Professionals in Planning Related Fields” in the afternoon of 29 September 2014. In the talk, Sr Joseph Ho briefly described real property valuation flow chart and valuation procedures; in doing so, addressing factors to be considered in real property valuation which include internal and external factors; and, how town planning can affect the value of real properties. In the discussion session, Sr Joseph Ho and the participants exchanged views on the impacts of planning action in revitalising Kowloon East, and how the market reacted to such regeneration initiatives.


Visit the China Appraisal Society

The President Sr Simon Kwok together with the Working Group members: Vice President Sr Edward Au, the GPD Chairman Sr Joseph Ho and GPD Council Co-opted Member Sr Elsa Ng paid a visit to the China Appraisal Society (CAS) in the afternoon of 23 October 2014. The HKIS delegates were welcomed by Mr Zhang Guochun, the Secretary General (張國春秘書長) and Madam Han Liying, Vice Secretary General(韓立英副秘書長), of CAS, Ms Qiu Suqin (邱素琴處長) and Mr Zhang Wei (張巍副處長) from the Ministry of Finance. In the meeting, Sr Joseph Ho led the discussion on reciprocity arrangement and suggested different scenarios that both HKIS and CAS could work together to promote business valuation and intellectual properties valuation in the Greater China. Both parties also exchanged views on the possibility to introduce a reciprocity arrangement among the parties. (Members can refer to Surveyors Times November issue of 2013 for the background of the discussion)


International Real Property Valuation Conference

The President Sr Simon Kwok together with Vice President Sr Edward Au, the GPD Chairman Sr Joseph Ho and Coopted Council Member Sr Elsa Ng were invited to attend the 2014 International Real Property Valuation Conference in Beijing on 23 and 24 October 2014 organized by the China Real Estate Valuers and Agents Association and WAVO, co-organized by the HKIS and the Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers (SISV). The theme of the seminar was “全球房地產估價進展 - 方法、標準及最佳實踐”, and there were more than 300 participants from mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, India and Appraisal Institute of the United States who attended the seminar. In the seminar, Sr Joseph Ho gave a talk on “The Best Practice of Real Property Valuation in Hong Kong”. At the end of the conference, Sr Joseph Ho took the time to invite the mainland HKIS members in the seminar to take a group photo on the stage with the HKIS delegates. (For details, please refer to P.7 and the back cover of Surveyors Times)


GPD Part I Result and Briefing Session for APC Part II Candidates

GPD finished this year’s APC Part I Assessment in October 2014. There were a total 84 Probationers who attempted the Part I Assessment. Among these 86 candidates, 51 were first attempt and 35 were non-first attempt. The results are as follows:


Passing Rate
1st year attempt all 4 papers Pass all 4 Papers 26 51%
Fail all 4 Papers 1 2%
Pass 1 Paper only 2 4%
Pass 2 Papers only 10 20%
Pass 3 Papers only 12 24%
  Subtotal 51 100%
"NON" 1st year attempt Passed and proceed to Part II 33 94%
Not Pass 1 3%
  Absent 1 3%
  Subtotal 35 100%
Total Candidates (include 1 absent) 86 69%


On 1 November 2014, the GPD Education Committee organized a briefing session for all prospective Part II candidates who planned to undergo the APC Part II Assessment this year. The briefing session was hosted by Sr Edward AU, HKIS Vice President and GPD Education Committee Chairman, Sr Louie, GPD Education Committee Convener, together with four new GP members who obtained their professional qualification in December 2013 and came to share their experience with the candidates.


In the briefing session, candidates were briefed on the mistakes that were usually made in their final submission and interview. The requirements of their final submission and what was expected for the Part II Assessment were also discussed. This year, we arranged four newly qualified members, Sr Karen NG, Sr LIN Hiu Tung, Sr LIN Wing Kiu and Sr KWONG Lok Yee who came to share their experiences when they were preparing for Part II interview and during the interview itself. The candidates were most keen on this part of the briefing. Our sincere thanks to these four young members for taking the time to attend the briefing.


The APC Part II Assessment will be held in early December 2014. Detailed arrangements will be announced soon.







學會會長郭志和測量師,與工作小組成員:副會長區成禧測量師、產業測量組主席何展才測量師、及產業測量組增選理事吳紅梅測量師於二零一四年十月二十三日下午到訪中國資產評估協會 (中評協)。訪問團由中評協秘書長張國春、副秘書長韓立英、財政部資產管理司邱素琴處長及張巍副處長等人接待。





學會會長郭志和測量師,副會長區成禧測量師,產業測量組主席何展才測量師及增選理事吳紅梅測量師應邀出席於二零一四年十月二十三日至二十四日於北京舉行之 國際房地產估價論壇,論壇由中國房地產估價師與房地產經紀人學會及世界估價組織協會 (WAVO) 主辦,香港測量師學會及新加坡測量師與估價師學 (SISV) 合辦。是次論壇的主題是全球房地產估價進展方法、標準及最佳實踐,約有三百位參加者來自中國、香港、台灣、新加坡、南韓、印度及 Appraisal Institute of the United States何展才測量師演講題目是 香港房地產估價的最佳做法。論壇會議後,何展才測量師還邀請了學會在中國內地之會員與香港測量師學會之代表在台上拍照留念。(詳情請參閱《測量師時代》月刊第 頁及背頁



Date : 19 November 2014 (Wednesday)

Time : 6:30pm

Venue : Lecture Room, Surveyors Learning Centre, Room 1207, 12/F, Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.