土地測量組主席的話 (2015年2月)

 Monthly Happy Hour Gatherings

Since January 2015, the LSD Council has organised monthly happy hour gatherings after work. Talks by guest speakers, which come with CPD hour credits, will occur during these events.


Please be informed that the second happy hour gathering has been re-scheduled for Friday, 13 March 2015, at the Backstage Live Restaurant (1/F, 52-54 Wellington Street, Central). Sr Dr Lesly LAM (LSD) and Sr Amy LAU (GPD) will

be the guest speakers. They will discuss the topic of “以前做過乜宜家做緊乜”. Sr Lam and Sr Lau used to be a Land Surveyor and Estate Surveyor with the government and are now the Assistant Director (PD) of the Operations Department of Vanke Property (Hong Kong) Company …….


20152土地測量組主席的話 (全文)