土地測量組主席的話 (2015年3月)

Encouragement to Surveying Students – Ex-President’s visit to undergraduate students 

On Sunday, 8 March 2015, the graduating land surveying students of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics ran a whole-day land boundary re-establishment field survey in Shui Hao Village, Lantau. Each group of five students had to re-establish an Old Schedule agricultural lot boundary and prepare to present their results to a professional panel, including the Senior Land Surveyor of the Training School and delegates of the HKIS’s Land Surveying Division, in April. Together with our Vice-chairman, Sr Dr Conrad Tang, who was the students’ lecturer, Mr Wong Chung-hang, Past President, visited the site and coached these young future surveyors with expert tips on land boundary surveying. .....



20153土地測量組主席的話 (全文)